The Encounter | Teen Ink

The Encounter

January 24, 2017
By Xsaiver BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
Xsaiver BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is said that some lives, are linked across time, connected by an ancient calling, that echoes through the ages"

I felt listless.  I had been feeling like that all day.  I opened my window shutters and could see the beautiful orange sunset on the horizon.  It was still light but a little cool.  I put on the fireplace and watched as the flames of the fire shot up burning bright with an orange glow.   I sat down for a while enjoying the warmth of the fire.  I decided to find some food, went looking in the fridge.  Ah there was an orange, some orange juice, some carrots, some peaches, a few mangoes and some brewed orange pekoe tea in the jug.  Where was some real food?  There was that feeling again, like I should have been doing something else but what?  I finally decided to take a walk to the park.  It was a cool dry autumn day and the leaves had all turned into many hues of orange and yellow.  Pumpkins were everywhere and I remembered it was going to be Halloween soon.   It was so beautiful outside with all the vibrant colors of the leaves; the sunset, the pumpkin and I started to feel more energetic, upbeat and invigorated.  I had walked a long way from home just enjoying all the fall colors and enjoying the cool air on my face.  Then it happened!  I must have been daydreaming because I bumped into her without even seeing her.  I started to say sorry and realized she was smiling warmly at me.  It was her! I had been wondering how to find her and there she was, right in front of me.   

She was glowing. I stared as her bright red- orange hair glowed in the lovely light of the sunset.  I stood in front of her for the first time in years.  I suddenly felt very glad. I suddenly felt complete, almost like a part of me that was missing was no longer missing, like I had found what was lacking in my life.   She said Hi Leo,.  I opened my mouth but I was babbling, nothing I said made sense.   She said she had moved to Orange State and had just returned home.

As we stood there under the warm rays of the sun, I knew that very moment would always be the best moment of my life.  She gave me her number and asked me to call her. I really could not tell you how I got home that day but I did.  The fire was almost out but there was still a dull orange glow from it.  I just sat there in front of the fire too excited to eat or sleep.  That must have fate!

I did call her, took her out to the dinner the following weekend.  That had led to more going out and more dinners.  I also found out that she liked orange roses and I must have spent a fortune on orange roses.  

Well all that paid off because she eventually became my wife.

The author's comments:

When i was in high school i really liked a girl and i wanted to somehow see her again after graduation, but i knew may probably never happened. this is a piece i wrote that inspires and gives me how that anything can happned and if things are meant to be fate will find a way of making it a reality. 

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