Forever love | Teen Ink

Forever love

May 21, 2018
By Cassier25 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
Cassier25 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     It was the day of college graduation. I had my family there, but the only person who was missing, was my boyfriend Mark.  Mark has a important training today, but he said, he was going to make it to the graduation. I was looking backward at where my family was, to see if Mark was here, sadly he was not. By the time the principal called my name, " Julianna Andrew approached the stage." As I was getting closer to the stage, I started to get nervous because mark was nowhere to be seen.  When I finally reached the center of the stage, there Mark was. Standing in the front row smiling and clapping his hands, cheering me on. This was the big moment, I finally reached a goal in life, I got my diploma, shook their hand, and got off the stage and took my sit with pride. It took an hour to get through all the names, but When it got over, the graduates of 2020 stud up, took their hats off with excitement and though them in the air.  

             Julianna walked over to her family, to give them each a hug and take a lot of pictures. After the pictures with her family, Julianna ran towards the stage to approach mark with tears in her eyes, she went on and on of how she was so proud that she was finally going to experience a new chapter in her life.  Later that night, the whole family including Mark went out to dinner, to celebrate Julianna's graduation day. They went to her favorite Italian restaurant, and five minutes in to being seated, everyone at the table started to act weird and I have no idea why.

           Julianna was thinking of ways in her head on why they would be acting this way. She knew nothing. Even Mark was acting wired, she still is clueless.   While We order are drinks and food, I ask my mother why her and everyone else is acting funny right now. Knowing her, she can't keep anything to herself, but for some reason she did. Time passes by and our food and drinks arrive to the table. Everyone is quite and hungry, so they just dig in. Everyone expect for Mark ate their food so fast, that they hurried up and got out of there and went their separate ways. I was highly confused, like did I do something wrong, where is the communication, like I still want to know what the hell is going on? After everyone went their separate ways, it was just Julianna and Mark. They went to the beach and took a long walk towards the water. Julianna being curious, she personally asked mark ''why was him and the family acting strange at dinner?''  Mark said you are asking the wrong guy, so I just left it at that because I know that he is going to protect me and stay by my side forever. Mark takes my hand and says stare into the water and breathe calmly. I trust him, so I follow his directions. 

            Mark stands behind me, whispers in my ear and says, I can't believe I'm doing this. Why am I so scared? I've been with this woman for 4 years now. I can do this. I bent on one knee and took the ring out of my pocket. Julianna sees a shadow in the water, she turns around and sees him with a beautiful ring. Julianna started to cry and started to shake. Mark says will you marry me. And without hesitation, Julianna says ''yes'' with tears of joy coming down her eyes.

         He put the ring on my shaking finger and he hugged me so tight. Out of know where the family yells out with excitement ''congratulations.'' All I could do is laugh, this totally makes since, this is why they were acting weird at dinner. "Yes, it was everyone replied." I began to show everyone my ring, I just couldn’t believe it. By the time I showed off my ring all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. And I did so. 

            The Next day we started planning the wedding, because Mark will be leaving soon. The plan is to get married before he leaves.  Planning the wedding was easy because I had my mom and Mark's mother help me out to plan everything. Mark and I wanted a medium size wedding. The first thing was to pick a date that Mark has off from training. We picked Saturday the 14th of July. We have little over 4 weeks to plan this wedding. So, we made a list.  

Wedding checklist:  

Guest list (Both)  

Wedding dress ( Julianna) 

Food (Both)  

Location (Both)  

Rings (Both)   

             Over the next couple of days, we started planning. Weeks went by so fast. Before you know it, it was our wedding day.

        Julianna was getting ready in her ball gown and having her hair up. She looked like a princess that was getting married to her prince. Mark was wearing his Mariners uniform. When it was the time for  the wedding to start, my heart was racing so fast, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. When those doors opened, Mark, had the biggest smile because he was getting married to his one and only true love. When Julianna saw that smile, it was like nothing else mattered. She walked down the aisle to hold Marks hand, when they touched, all her fear went away. They exchange their vows and shared a kiss. They had a reception with friends and family to celebrate their big day together. They didn’t have a honeymoon, because Mark had to leave in a couple of days.  

      However, with the help of their family and friends, Mark and Julianna did manage to get a house, so that way when Mark comes back, they would be able to start a family. When the arrangements finally got settled they moved into their beautiful two-story house and throw together a housewarming party also a going away party for Mark.  

              It was hard to celebrate Mark leaving, because we have only been married for a couples of week's. It was the saddest day Mark's and Julianna's life. They had to wake up at 8:30am to get to the airport. Mark was driving to the airport because Julianna started to cry. When they got to the airport and parked the car, they met up with their family. At 9 o'clock they went through all the airport's security, just to say goodbye. "I will miss you and email you every night, but you got to remember that I will not be able to reach you sometimes. Julianna cried as Mark says his goodbye to his family. He saved his last goodbye to Julianna. He got to her and he hugged her for the longest time and kisses her goodbye. He whispered in her ear and "said I'm always with you and I will see you in 6 months." And "she replied with an Ok and be safe out there and come home to me."  He walked up the stair onto his plane. As Julianna cried her eyes out, wish that he didn’t have to leave her.  

       The next 6 months flew by quick, but she still cried at night. There were days they emailed each other, and there were days that they didn’t talk. She knew that it was going to happen, and she was ok with it. The day had final arrived when she was going to pick Mark up from the airport, she was about to head out until she heard a noise coming from downstairs. She walked down stairs to investigate the noises. When she arrived at the top of the stairs she could see the door was unlock, so she went down to lock it again. She walked down the hallway towards the living room and suddenly she heard a pair of boots hit the floor. Her heart was beating fast, every time she stepped closer to that room. She was frozen halfway down the hall.  She smelled her husband cologne when she smelled that she started to cry. She turned the corner and saw him, she was crying so hard and she was tasting her tears. When he walked over to her still in his uniform he gave her a hugged as she cried into his shoulder and he gave her a kiss on her forehead. Julianna was so happy that he was home and glad that no one broke into the house. After crying into each other's arms for a few hours, they made love and lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I all was wanted to write a short romance love story. Thoughout this story it has family and love in this story. 

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Bev Donati said...
on Jun. 1 2018 at 6:18 am
Very engaging. Nicely done showing the value of family and love.