Super Hero | Teen Ink

Super Hero

October 21, 2018
By CBALMER SILVER, Bermuda Dunes, California
CBALMER SILVER, Bermuda Dunes, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, I'm a superhero… kind of. Ok, maybe I am just a scrawny freshman. But, I have superpowers. I only use them for some things, like all the jerks at my school. My superpower is to move things with my mind.  For instance, whenever a bully is doing what they always do to make people look like total losers. Which those people aren't, they are just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I always make sure something spills, on them.  Especially the jocks with the letterman jacket. It's funny to watch them get so angry when ¨they¨ spill stuff on their jacket. The person that I would fight if I ever do become a big-time superhero, (which will probably never happen)  is Arkane Luthra, weird name right. This guy is the most self-centered jerk EVER. He always talks about how good he is at school and sports. But he isn't good at school, I hacked into his account (did I mention I am good with computers) and looked at his grades and they are BAD, all F´s. I mean I don't have the best of grades but this is way worse than my grades. With the grades he has, he should be kicked off the football team. One of my friends got kicked off the tennis team because he had one D, but no punishment for him because he also happens to be the coach's kid. Are you a superhero? Do you have superpowers? If so how do you use them?

The author's comments:

I am doing this for a project at my school. I like superheroes and thought that I would a short story on a superhero.

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