The Great Forest | Teen Ink

The Great Forest

October 21, 2018
By Haley_DJ BRONZE, Davidson, North Carolina
Haley_DJ BRONZE, Davidson, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Staying positive doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.

The sun hovered over the trees, making the river sparkle and gleam. The white-tailed deer, Petra, raised her head as the bright sun hit her eyes. Petra stretched her legs and shook the dirt out of her silver colored fur, she then looked to the tree above her, spotting her cardinal friend, Redskirt. Redskirt was singing a beautiful, soothing song. Petra walked down the forest’s dirt path towards the river for a drink. As Petra walked along, she spotted other animal families waking up to the beautiful morning. Once Petra reached the river’s clearing, she stopped in her tracks. Her huge brown eyes widened when she saw an animal's body, lying unconscious at the river’s shore. Its small body was covered in mud and some red substance. Its pale tongue stuck out of its mouth as the animal gasped constantly for air. Petra identified the animal quickly, It was her daughter's playmate, Judah. Judah's brown soulless eyes stared into Petra's, his death was clearly near but his eyes were begging for help. Petra approached Judah slowly, ignoring the signaling sounds he made for her to get away. She looked down at Judah's weak and dying body. There was no way to save him. Petra stepped back up to the clearing with a sad, guilty face. She closed her eyes, and suddenly she heard a loud yelp and devastating noises. Petra jumped back fearfully, for the sight was unbearable. The sight of a dirty brown fox, feasting on her fawn’s friend. The fox devoured Judah's stomach, breaking through the rib cage and other bones with his amazingly strong teeth, as Judah struggled and yelped. Petra's eyes stung from sadness and how wide they had become as she watched the horrid scene. Petra backed away slowly, shivering with fear. It was clear the fox was a vicious animal, and Petra had to somehow warn the other forest animals of its presence. Petra turned and darted up the hill. Then suddenly, she heard a deep growl coming from behind her. Petra looked back, still running, and the fox was hot on her tail. The fox looked much bigger and angrier than before. As its golden eyes locked onto Petra, she finally realized if she kept running towards her home either her friends or daughter would die next. She had to change direction. She kept running until she found an empty and unfamiliar path, she turned left and kept running. The running continued for only a few minutes, but Petra's muscles felt otherwise. The fox started to gain once Petra's body grew tired. When she pushed herself to run faster, she tripped over a rock and flipped down the path, knocking into numerous things and then she crashed into a tree. Petra lifted her head sluggishly at the fox as it came closer to her. Its glowing golden eyes narrowed and locked onto Petra. The creature growled and drew back its claws, and within seconds, Petra's life has ended.

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