Space Fragments | Teen Ink

Space Fragments

December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

“This just in, two asteroid have collided near earth and the fragments are set to rain down somewhere in Colorado, more at 10”, The news anchor’s voice crackled as I swiftly packed. My phone buzzed as I answered it with one hand and folded one of my shirts with the other. “Hello? Yes I did see the news, I’m heading over to the predicted impact site as soon as I’m packed, please set up my equipment since you are already there”, I finished packing and sped to the airport to catch my plane. After a couple hours my plane landed and I called my co-worker to pick me up and take me immediately to the site. Already the large gray tents my team uses were set up all around the crash site surrounding the fragments, the area bustled with vehicles and other scientists. “Oh there you are! Quickly get in here” My boss poked his head out of one of the larger tents. Inside was a large meteorite with other scientists already taking samples. I walked around the large space fragment, studying it closely, when I saw a shard of something white deeply imbedded in it. I motioned for my team to get to work on that part of the space fragment. Soon they had gotten out several white-ish looking stones and I had the unsettling thought that the rocks looked a lot like bone. I scraped off a little bit from one of the rocks to analyze. I put the sample into a machine that analyzed dna. The blank green screen blinked then spit out one sentence that changed everything. “DNA Analyzed. Results: Human”.

The author's comments:

This is just a small short story that I greatly enjoyed writing

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