Tombstones Dancing | Teen Ink

Tombstones Dancing

December 14, 2018
By aves30 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
aves30 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My story starts off when I was about 15, one night after a big party on September thirtieth I had a dream of small black cats in alleyways and feelings of spiders in my bed. Nothing paranormal like demons or ghosts, just creepy, little things the entire month of October.

 On October thirty-first (almost a month later), somehow I must have slept walked to the nearest cemetery where my grandmother was buried there about 3 years ago after passing away from a massive stroke.

 I woke up in a dark, foggy haze almost impairing my eyesight. The weather was warm and wet. Absolutely no signs of life. No wind, no rain. Everything was still. I felt an intense feeling in my stomach, one that I had never felt before. It was telling me to move, move forward, into the gates. The long brown metal gates were telling me to go inside. Hesitant, I took slow, small steps into graveyard. When i crossed the gate line, the night was truly alive.

 I saw the dead leaping out of tombstones, lights were flashing everywhere and music started playing in the background of all the deads screams of joy. I witnessed the dead coming to life, i saw normal people lift up from the tombstones out of thin air. The figures were normal people with orange hues behind the conforming to their body. The weight on my shoulders was gone when stepped through, it was as though my body became weightless, like gravity took my weight and left ny figure to walk on the ground.

 After taking in all the beauty of the of the bright lights and loud music of what used to be a soul-less graveyard, I spotted my Grandmother.

It took me a second to believe that was her, but we made eye contact and ran towards each other leaping into a big hug. Afterwards, gram and I were inseparable the whole night. My grandmother informed me later that night, that when the sun rises the dead goes back to the graves, and she’ll have to return home. Before I left the graveyard my grandma whispered softly in my ear

“ Honey, I have been sending you the scary messages for the past couple years, and I’m so happy you finally came. Next year, come see me again.  But until then look at this graveyard and always remember the night you danced with tombstones’’

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