Cyber Battle | Teen Ink

Cyber Battle

January 13, 2019
By DragonPen BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
DragonPen BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dave slumped into his office chair with an evil smirk. He knew it was his time to break the long, unforgiving chain that had haunted him for countless years.  For the past twenty years, he had to put up with the same, mundane desk job: forced to do the grunt work of his superiors. With a decade’s worth of planning, it was time to take action.

You see, Dave Brinkle worked at MegaCorp., a sinister criminal organization that disguised itself as a cybersecurity firm. It produced the most secure antivirus software ever known in existence. This software was so powerful that within ten years of its creation, it was on 99.9% of computers globally.

It would seem that the company would be doing good then, right? Well, this caused the company to reach financial turmoil. They had made some bad business decisions and the antivirus sales stagnated since everyone already had a copy. This is where MegaCorp turned to the dark side. They realized that, because their software was so secure, the only ones who could bypass it were themselves.

At this point, they began spreading hundreds of new viruses throughout the internet, mandating their customers to purchase new updates for additional security. Dave, having worked at the company for most of his adult life, had only heard rumors about this until his boss asked him to come into the office one day. Dave’s boss was impressed with his work on the new website of the program. He let Dave in on all of the horrific things the company was doing and offered him a promotion. This promotion would leave Dave in charge of the virus production and distribution, and it came with a 6 figure salary increase.

Dave accepted, knowing this would be his chance to get back on the company that had chained him to a small cubicle for the past 20 years of his life and make some easy money in the process. This would be his opportunity to destroy this company from the inside and get back at his boss.

On the first day of his new job, Dave was greeted by the other cybersecurity researchers and exploiters. They began the meeting by discussing plans for a new virus: one that would target banking systems and exploit them for money. After several hours of discussion, they agreed on the logistics and got to work. Dave knew he had to play along for now: anything he attempted out of the ordinary at this point would be very suspicious. All he could think to do was be as useless as possible. He knew the team would figure it out with or without him, but maybe silence could buy him some time while he thought of a counter-ambush.

Dave pondered for hours on end how he could bring down such a large cybersecurity firm by himself. He knew trying to target the development team would be pointless: they would instantly be able to tell and could then possibly track the sender. Instead, he would go after the sales team. Another thing Dave struggled to find out was what exploit he would use to get into their computers. He decided to go with the most valuable, unnoticeable exploit he could find: one that he had been holding onto for 8 years, waiting for this moment.

While Dave continued planning his attack, the rest of the team had finished programming and distributing the bank virus. They offered the update out, warning everyone of the new virus and urging them to pay to download the update. Then, they began infecting systems one at a time, stealing as much data as they could while remaining unnoticed, and then flipping this data for massive profits. Dave could only watch as they stole all this information, afraid to be outed and fired before he could accomplish his mission.

Dave continued working on his project every day: motivated by the idea of MegaCorp no longer existing. He knew he had to work fast: millions of people were getting scammed out of their hard earned money and only he could put an end to it all. Finally, after seven months of hard work, the program was finished and it was ready to be installed on the sales team’s computers. It would track all of their data and log it. Dave would have access to the logs and he would check them every day, gathering as much incriminating information as possible.

After many months of collecting all of this data, Dave knew it was time to get law enforcement involved. He went to the nearest police station and told them his case. He described to them in vivid detail all of the evil practices the company he worked for was doing, how he had all this incriminating evidence of this stored on his computer, and how the company needed to be brought down instantly in order to ensure the safety and stability of the internet.

Suddenly, Dave would feel a sharp pinch from behind him, and everything would start getting bright around him. He would lose balance and feel as if the world was spinning. Dave had passed out. He finally woke up 3 days later,/his boss maintained a devilish smile on his face as Dave began to open his eyes.

The author's comments:

I like computers so I wrote about them

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