Something Strange | Teen Ink

Something Strange

January 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I was sitting in school, waiting for everyone else to be finished with the test, when something strange happened. My chair just… disappeared. Everyone looked at me, but quickly went back to their tests. I raised my hand to tell the teacher that I needed another chair, but he ignored me and kept grading papers. “Excuse me, Mr.-” I tried to say, before being reminded how bad of an idea it was.

“No talking during a test. Go to the office.”

“But it’s no-”

“Go, before you get in any more trouble.”

“Okay…” I had followed instructions this time, but as I left the room, something else strange happened. The door slammed behind me, even though I didn’t touch it. It slammed with such force, I was smashed into the wall. “Who did that? That hurt!” I screamed out in pain. Even though the pain was intense, I managed to get over it, although I wouldn’t be able to get over the odd event. Regardless of such, I began towards the office.

As I walked past room 15, my best friend stepped out. I also heard the teacher yelling, but didn’t think anything of it. He asked rather abruptly.

“What are you in for? Same as me?” I gave him a weird look, but didn’t hesitate to answer.

“I got out of my seat during a test. It was rea-”

“Oh yeah, me too. I was going to turn it in, but I guess we were just supposed to wait for the teacher to collect them.” I wanted to tell him what happened, but it seemed like he didn’t want to know.

We finally got to the office, and I realized I’ve never been there before. I also realized that whoever handles the decorations is either very out of date, or has a concerning love for ghosts, and considering the fact that it was in the middle of December, I’d say it was the latter. There were crude drawings of ghosts on the wall, likely gathered from kindergarteners, and there were little spindling ghost figures dangling from the ceiling.

I looked at the receptionist, and I didn’t really know what to say, because I never really had to go to the office due to “troublemaking.”

“Uhhh…” I looked over at my friend, who was always getting in trouble, hoping he knew what to say. I looked back at the re- wait…

I quickly switched my gaze back to my friend, and stared deep into his eyes. I wanted to look away. I wanted to say something. I wanted to go away. I wanted to escape. But I couldn’t. His eyes… had me… hypnotized.

I woke up, apparently. I was pretty confused as to what the heck just happened, but considering what had just happened, I had figured it was either a weird dream or… well, I didn’t know what else it could’ve been, but I knew that I had to get to school. I raised my head to look at the alarm clock… or I tried to. And that’s when I realized. Whatever happened wasn’t just a dream. And then my head just raised, even though I didn’t try to. Then I saw the clock, and really started realizing what’s going on. That wasn’t the clock I had. This one had a bell and the normal design of a clock, with the hands, whereas mine was digital. Then my head fell back down, and my eyelids closed. I tried looking around to see what else was different, and as I tried and failed to look around, I finally found out the base of what was going on. I was just an observer, looking through the eyes of someone, or something else. Even though I knew it wouldn't work, I tried to wiggle and jiggle my limbs, but before I could get any results, I heard a voice.

“Hello? Who’s there?” I could faintly hear, echoing throughout this prison I was stuck in.

“Who are you!?” I was surprised that there was someone else here, but I was also rather happy.

“I… don’t know anymore. I’ve been here for long than I can remember, and I’ve lost all sense of who I am.”

“Okay then. You have fun with that.” I stopped talking to them, and waited for this host to finally wake up.

After what felt like hours, but realistically couldn’t have been more than ten minutes, I heard a booming, feminine voice, and the eyelids quickly separated themselves. As my host began slowly waking up, it started heading towards the bathroom. I was ready to see something disgusting, but was actually treated to some rather important information. As it walked in front of the mirror, it began staring. Staring very deep, as if looking into the soul of it’s greatest enemy. As I looked into the mirror, I saw something rather surprising. Dark brown hair, green eyes, pale white skin, wrinkled, muddy clothes. It was my friend, Robert. Slowly, his hair began turning into an aged white and his eyes glazing over and becoming gray. He began to speak, making my figurative body shake in fear.

“I know who you are.” He began in an booming, echoing, somewhat ethereal voice. “You are Samantha, although you prefer Sam. A boy’s name, rather unfitting for a girl.” Even though it was reasonable that whatever took over my friend would know my name, it scared me nonetheless. “And… you know who you are. Don’t you?” I could feel the hatred in his voice, as though he had a grudge against Robert for some reason.

His speech suddenly stopped, and he ran the sink and begun splashing the water in his face. He took out a beanie and some sunglasses from his pocket to hide the changes,

The author's comments:

Samantha just wanted a chair, but as her day goes on, she's going to need a lot more than a chair.

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