Willy Wonka | Teen Ink

Willy Wonka

March 5, 2019
By Dewey-Finn BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
Dewey-Finn BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory

The Night before the release of the golden tickets

“Mr. Wonka, we are all ready for the announcement of the golden tickets, sir. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to give this up?” an Oompa Loompa asked.

“Why yes I am, sir.” Wonka replied.

The next day comes and the golden tickets are announced. Wonka’s are flying of the shelves. From a scrumdiddlyumptious to an original Wonka Bar. They were off the shelves left and right.

“Ok,” Willy said, “Let us go over the plans for the tour.”

“Ok! So you will first walk up to the gate and let our guests in. Then from there we have them sign the release form saying if anyone harms themselves, we are going to help but they may or may not be the same. From there you will enter the candyland itself and let them roam around.” an Oompa Loompa said.

“So how long do I have before the boat to let them explore?” Wonka asked.

“Well” the Loompa replied “about a song and long enough for one of the kids to maybe be eliminated from the game.”

“OK continue.”

“From there we go onto the boat and let that happen, then we bring them to the bubblegum room where, most likely, another child shall be eliminated. Then we continue onto the fizzy bubble drink room where is a real hit or miss on an elimination or not. From there we go to the golden egg room which for sure a child shall be eliminated.”

“Should I tell them that the child will end up in the furnace to get rid of the parent as well?” Wonka asked.

“Yes! That’s a great idea. But continuing with the tour we then take them into the Wonkavision room where the two remaining children will be brought down to one. Then tour over, unless if they win and you remember how they do that right?”

“Yes my oompa loompa. If they give me the gumball, they win and I give them the factory.”

“Alright, let’s get ready for the tenth of October”

October 10th

The Tour

“Showtime!” Wonka said before exiting the door.

A monsterous crowd of people waiting at the gate all waiting to see if it was really Wonka. Wonka coming out cane and all knew he had to shock them. Sort of spring their minds to expect the unexpected. As he springs up the crowd is in shock. Cheering begins after I begin my explanation of what is happening and what will be happening. Then I ask the winners to come up and begin the tour. First I meet the spoiled one Veruca Salt, who seems mean and nasty. I don’t think she will win. She did have a nice coat though. I did not really care for her much though. Next I met the big german boy, Augustus. A delightfully chubby one. He’ll be gone be, gone for sure. Next was the bubble chewer Violet. She seems a little whiny but nothing like a little chocolate to fill her piehole. Next I met the cowboy Michael. Not much to say besides the fact he thinks it’s the wild west in Europe. Then, I met the poor boy, Charlie Buckets. He seemed like a good fellow. My chocolate’s on him.

We come to the signing room and from there the parental figures are hesitant to sign but the children want candy. Now time to get into the factory itself which confuses all the contestants which I think it’s not difficult but some aren’t as creative and fun as I am. But soon comes my favorite part

The chocolate wonderland itself. If Walt DIsney saw this he’d be put to shame. Everything from the river to the mushrooms is candy. Then, Charlie notices the Oompa Loompas and then I explain where they are from and then Mrs. Teevee back talks me and says there is no such place that have these “creatures”. So then where did they come from. I did not make life out of chocolate.

But, then realised the jelly belly himself is sticking his hands in my river! The chocolate, the chocolate! It can’t be touched by human hands! He is ruining it! I yell at him to please stop and he doesn’t. Then he falls in. “My chocolate! My beautiful chocolate.” I exclaim as he is soon to be gone due to the suction and sure enough we see him get stuck in the tube.


He shoots up the tube and I have one of the Oompa Loompas take her to go get him but it’s really just to tell her there is no escape. So sad.

Ohh the boat ride! How fun! I can’t wait to let the contestants see what I’ve created. My favorite is the decapitation of the bird, but I want to see their reaction. Their faces of terror as we enter the cave. Their faces of true fear as they see the world through the glasses of a Wonka man. A Willy Wonka man. As the boat enters the cave we are lifted above the water almost like we have taken off. But as the boat keeps on turning and turning and turning and turning and round and round and round as you can hear their helpless screams call out for their loved ones begging me to stop this madness. But we keep going and going on a never endless cycle of spinning. But just like that we stop. I can now begin to show them the rest of the factory.

Now we come to the key to winning the game. The Inventing Room. I give them the gobstopper, they give it back. As simple as that. Next to the bubble gum invention. The three course gum. Its pork, tomato soup, and blueberry pie but it’s not perfected im still trying to work on th whole inflaaaaaaa---, oh no Violet ate it. Huh ironic she’ll look like a blueberry and her name is Violet. Why didn’t I think of that? Now the oompa loompas have to take her and her father to the juicer which will sure be fun so we won’t see her again.

We now enter the wallpaper room which is one of my favorites. It not only cleans the wall but the contestants also enjoy it. Then onto the Fizzy lifting room, then to the goose room. The fizzy lifting drink is my least favorite because people are flying away. That is why we haven’t gone public with it yet. But enough of that now onto the egg room. But on the way we lose Charlie. Well I just lost the pot. Damn that sucks. I had 100 on Charlie. Whatever now I do not care who wins. But here they come which means they figured out burping fast enough which is awesome. Which also means I am back in the pot alright. Wait what is going on, Veruca can’t have a giant goose, especially not mine. Now she is singing what does she think she is doing?! I work very hard to obtain, maintain, and harvest the geese and their eggs. But since she asks for it she thinks she can handle the responsibility of a golden goose. She is more insane then I thought. This little spoiled, stuffy-nosed bi----. Oh she fell down the eggdicator. HAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHA HOOOO, thats funny.

“She was a bad egg.” I said.

“Where does that lead?” Mr. Salt asked.

“To the furnace.” I said

Now Mr. Salt in a blind state of fear runs after her and jumps down which takes care of that. Hehehe that’s still funny. She wanted an egg so bad she became one. But now we proceed into the Wonka-vision room. This is my most sciencetifically sound room in us being able to teleport wonka bars to your TV. The oompa loompas do their presentation of it and I see the one boy, Michael is very interested and now wants to be apart of it. I’m not all that concerned at this point. He has shrunken down to a miniature size of himself so the loompas take him and his mother to the “taffy puller” to become “regular” again.

And that’s it. That’s the end. Charlie has not given back the gobstopper and he lost. So I enter my office and let them leave. Then the old man enters my office. I don’t acknowledge him at first because there is nothing more to be acknowledged.

“Mr. Wonka?” Grandpa Joe said concerned
“I am extraordinarily busy, sir.” I said annoyed

“I just wanted to ask about the chocolate.  The lifetime supply of chocolate, for Charlie.  When does he get it?” He questioned
“He doesn't.” I replied
“Why not?”
“Because he broke the rules.”
“ What rules?  We didn't see any rules, did we, Charlie?”
“Wrong, sir, wrong!  Under Section Thirty-Seven B of the contract signed by him it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if--and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy: "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained, et cetera, etcetera . . . fax mentis incendium gloria culpum, et cetera, et cetera . . . memo bis punitor delicatum!"  It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks. You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!” I said furiously. I was so angry he had the audacity to ask such a question. It started a boil in my stomach of pure hatred for the adults. They have no concept of imagination and creativity.
“You're a crook!  You're a cheat and a swindler!  That's what you are. How can you do a thing like this? Build up a little boy's hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces.  You're an inhuman monster!”

Oh so now he blames me for breaking the rules, calling me names!! Oh if I wasn’t such a good host I would’ve said more then “I said Good Day!”

“ Come on, Charlie, let's get out of here.  I'll get even with him if it's the last thing I ever do.  If Slugworth wants a Gobstopper, he'll get one.” he said as he exited.

I am even more furious because now I can not leave the factory in the arms of a child I can trust or now I can depend on. GGGGAAAAAHHHH!! This makes me so infuriated with an unrequited rage. God, if I could just----

“Mr Wonka….” Charlie said as in a frightened, gloomy way.

He sets the gobstopper down on my desk and turns around.

“So shines a good deed in a weary world.” I say. I turn around to Charlie so excited to just be able to give him and his family a home and an endless supply of chocolate. I let him meet “Slugworth” and telling him the greatest news he will ever hear. I take him to the glass elevator where there I tell him the new news. I explain why and tell him “Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. He lived happily ever after.”

The author's comments:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but told through the eyes of Willy Wonka

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 16 2019 at 9:54 am
CalebDeanLikesMemes BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I said "Juvenile delinquents eat chocolate cake, so chocolate cake must cause Juvenile delinquency." Nobody listened to me, I wasn't on TV."- Stan Lee

This is was very strange. Did you base it off the book or the movie? I didn't really like the swearing bits because this was supposed to be more happy toned. You also made it sound like he enjoyed the children deaths which was pretty weird. Another thing I noticed is that you seemed to be rushing the entire story. There was no detail or background story. You just suddenly show up at the gum and then its gone as quickly as it came. This provided more confusion then wanted. A lot of work would need to be done to make this story sound more detailed and end in a more satisfied way.