Fire Burning | Teen Ink

Fire Burning

March 23, 2019
By ShadowSpark BRONZE, San Diego, California
ShadowSpark BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The air feels fresh and clean. People walk with a purpose. Everything we do is for a purpose. Everyone is on Earth for a reason. That’s what I see everywhere. That and the symbol of our government, the flame. So beautiful and destructive at the same time. But that’s just what I’m supposed to think. I hate fire. It has a disgusting golden color and horrible heat. Licking at flesh and ripping it off bones. Revolting.

I’m with my mother and father, inside of our town’s center. People continue to trickle in, creating an overly large crowd. We have front row views in the crowded Town Center. My parents told me this would be exciting. A decorative ring of stones is in front of us with a magnetic field implanted in it to keep people inside it. “How much longer until this is over?” I ask my mother, wiping the beads of sweat off of my forehead.

“Soon. Be patient. This is important.”

“Why is this so important?”

“Because it's a Ceremony!” She says, looking down at me as if I didn’t understand anything at all. I fall silent. I don’t know who the Spark is. As usual, his chest glows red. He must have been ready for the Ceremony for a while. I don’t understand why they would make him wait for his Ceremony when he continues to produce Carbon Dioxide like the rest of us. I read that Carbon Dioxide was the reason for these Ceremonies. Many decades ago, people just died of natural reasons. This Spark seems to be about 35; the average age. I never understood why they’re called Sparks. I close my eyes and envision the billboard that I saw while on the highway a while ago. Sparks are the start of beautiful flames and human Sparks will leave Earth in a beautiful manner. But the Sparks don’t have a choice. They will leave Earth in what I think is the worst way possible, through flames. I’m torn from my thoughts by my mother who indicates that the Ceremony is starting.

I turn my eyes back to the Bubble above the rocks. I notice that I can faintly see a reflection staring back at me as the light refracts. The Spark is placed within the circle of rocks. The Bubble seems to envelop him in a captive embrace. The Torches with their red outfits strike the ceremonial match. I see that the Spark is distressed. He cannot leave, but he is desperate. His eyes are blank and wide with panic. The magnetic field withstands his attempts. The Torches throw the burning match into the circle. The Spark opens his mouth in a silent scream as the flames surround him. His eyes lock on mine. I bury my face in my mother’s skirt. Its fabric soothes me.

I awaken in a cold sweat. “Good Morning, Nina!” Says the speaker in my wrist. Everyone is implanted with the latest technology along with metal wires that support their bones and makes us susceptible to magnetic fields. I slide out of my bed and stretch when something catches my attention; a red glow emanating from under my nightgown right over my chest.

No. It can’t be. “How old am I? Light Activation?” I shakily whisper.

“You are — 9 years and 185 days old. Light Activation initiated yesterday. Cause of Activation: memory of Ceremony with feeling of disgust attached,” answers my wrist.

I lower myself back onto my bed. I cannot go outside. My parents will come in soon to tell me to eat and get ready for the day ahead of me. Then, they will find my light and turn me in. I try to imagine my parents hiding me and lying to the Torches, so I don’t get burned alive — but I can’t. I cannot prolong the inevitable. The bell chimes, signalling the latest wake up time. I look outside of my second story window to see the usual sea of heads who are already walking to their jobs. I sigh and exit my room, heading for the dining table.

As soon as my parents come into sight, their wrist speakers say in unison, “The Flame strongly encourages those in contact with Future Sparks to accelerate the Ceremonial Process by contacting the nearest Ceremonial Center, unless the individual who’s Light Activation has been initiated may be dangerous. They may be unwilling to participate in the Ceremony as their Light has been Activated. Failure to comply will result in use of force and possibly additional punishments.”

They look up in synchrony and their eyes widen in shock as they catch a glimpse of the red glow. Nobody speaks. Dad stands up and taps his wrist three times.

“Ceremonial Center, how may I help you?”

“I’m reporting a Light Activation.” Dad makes eye contact with me briefly before quickly looking down at the floor.

“Okay, name and years on Earth?” Asks the receiver.

“Nina Wilson, 9 years.” Dad avoids my gaze.

“Nine?” The receiver's disbelief is clear.


“Well, bring her in as early as possible within the next day or two.” Click. I don’t know what to say. I have just a few more days on Earth. I suppose this will help diminish the population and the carbon dioxide that I would have emitted in the future. “Can we go now?” I swallow the knot that is forming in my throat, “I don’t want to wait.”

The drive to the Ceremonial Center is quiet, and my next moments are a blur. The Ceremonial Chimes ring to signal an Activation. Everyone is shocked at my age. I close my eyes and move my feet without feeling. I open my eyes as I am placed in the Bubble. I hear someone screaming as they light the ceremonial match. I close my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut and the screams silence. The magnetic field reacts with the metal in my bones, keeping me contained. I am alone, and there is nothing I can do. I open my eyes and stare intensely at the match. My eyes reflect the orange glow as it approaches. The heat soon follows.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 30 2019 at 8:30 pm
starfeather PLATINUM, Olathe, Kansas
21 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA- to the stars, through difficulties.

I really like this story! An interesting concept. Keep writing!