The Battle for The Truth | Teen Ink

The Battle for The Truth

April 16, 2019
By Anonymous

It was a late winter evening one day. The moon was shining brightly in the night sky as I ran down the street with my backpack swaying. Following me were four guards and their commander. They wore black, metallic like armor that was covered in a glowing red trim.

"There he is! After him", one of the guards shouted. As I ran down the sidewalk, the guards drew their guns and opened fire. Their red hot lasers whizzed past my head as I took out my gun and fired back. One of the guards was hit by the lasers and vaporized into thin air. Their commander step through them and said, "Don't let the kid escape with that disk! If our enemy gets a hold of it, we're all toast!"

Turning around the corner I hid in some bushes. The guards came running by a few seconds later. "Now where'd he go?", one of them asked. "He must’ve gone this way", another replied. So they ran down the street, unaware of the fact that I was right behind them. Taking a deep breath, I took off my backpack and reached in for the DVD case. Inside was a glowing blue compact disk with the words "The Truth". I put it back into my backpack and pulled out my buzzing phone from one the pockets. "Incoming call" it said. So I answered it and a holographic image appeared.

On the image, I could see the face of my commander. He was about 33 years old, with long black hair, dark eyes, and small scars on his head that He had gotten from when we captured by the enemy.

"Cayden, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright,” I replied.

"Do you still have the disk?", he asked curiously.

"Yes I have it, and I'm on my way to rendezvous with Ruth and the others."

"Alright", he said. "But be careful, these are dangerous times. The enemy knows that you have infiltrated the city. He plans to make an example of you and others who follow Me. But take courage because I have overcome this world."

"Right, I'll remember that”, I replied.

"But for now, take the disk to Ruth and the others at the abandoned warehouse and await further orders. Commander Yeshua out!"

As I got up from the bushes, I looked up and saw 5 black Destroyer cruisers hovering ominously above in the sky. "A blockade", I thought. "The enemy must really want what's on this disk”.

When I finally reached the warehouse, I knocked on the door. Suddenly a hand pulled me in and shut the door behind me. It was Ruth! She took me into an open spaced room where there were about 20 people, sitting on wooden boxes.

"Do you have the disk?” she said.

"Yes, I’ve got it,” reaching into my bag and pulling it out.

Handing it to her, she took the DVD and placed it into a disk player that was connected to a projector. The projector produced a holographic screen right in front of us with a video on it. It played a message from Commander Yeshua and finished. Taking the disk out, Ruth inserted another disk which produced a map of the city.

“There”, she pointed “That is where they broadcasts TV stations”.

“But how are we going to get there?”, one of the group members responded. “The enemy has been tightening its grip on the city since they learned of our presence”. “Guards are everywhere and every citizen has been told to stay in there homes until further notice”.

“That’s good!”, exclaimed Ruth. Now everyone will be able to see what’s on the disk”. “Yes, but how do you suppose we’re going to get into that station Ruth?”, I said. "And in case you haven't noticed, we aren't an army".

"But we are in Yeshua's army!", she said. We're on the side that is going to win the war. Plus you know what Yeshua said on that disk is true because He is "The Truth".

"I know", I replied. "But it would be nice if we had more help".

"We will have help. Yeshua promised He would be with us. Just have some faith".

"Alright then, I will" I replied. "But do you or anyone else have any idea on how we're going to get there?"

"As a matter of fact I do have a plan but, it's not my plan it's..."

"My plan" responded a voice from the darkness.

"Who are you?" Ruth said.

"I am Yeshua" the voice responded. and I have a plan that will bring our enemy to his knees.

Up in the air (on the lead Destroyer cruisers) all was quiet. The crew controlled the ship as their leader sat in his seat. He had long blond hair, blue eyes, a red cape, and wore the same kind of armor as the guards. "What is the status of situation below?", he said in a dark voice.

"Our guards still can''t locate that kid or his friends boss!", one of them responded.

"Contact the commander on the ground", he said.

"Right away boss!", the crewman replied.

Soon a red holographic screen appeared in front of him with the commander's face.

"Commander", he his voice raised. "How is it that I give you an entire legion of my best guards and you still can't locate the boy and his allies?!!"

"Sir", he said. "Searching for them is like trying to find a needle in haystack. How do you expect me to find them in a big city like this?"

"Do you want me to come down there and find them myself?", he said. He held up his fist for him to see as it turned into a red fireball.

" sir", he replied nervously. "We...we can handle it".

"I certainly hope so commander.", he said. And the hologram vanished.

"Sir!", one of them shouted. "There is a fleet of 7 enemy ships appearing on our 


Then one after another the 7 ships appeared. On the deck of the lead ship stood it's captain. He was about 6 feet tall and dressed in silver armor.

"Contact Commander Yeshua.", he said to his aid. A blue holographic screen appeared in front of him as he knelt down on one leg and bowed his head.

"My Lord". he said reverently.

"Rise up, my faithful one", he said smiling.

"We're in range of the enemy ships".

"Then begin your attack Captain, create a diversion for us so we can try to slip by the enemy undetected".

"Understood my Lord". he responded.

"And remember this: I am with you always..."

"Even to the end of the age", the Captain finished. "I know".

"And, I'm going to make sure you continue to remember" He smiled. "Commander Yeshua out!"

Lifting his head, he turned his sights to the enemy ships. "Aim all cannons at those cruisers" he said. The cannon barrels lifted up and pointed straight at the cruisers. Pointing his hand out the window, he issued the command "Open fire!"

Then all of a sudden the sky lit up with blue flashes of light coming from the cruisers. The blue lasers flew through the air as one of the enemy cruisers was struck trying to escape. A chaotic explosion thundered throughout the city. The ship slowly tipped over, fell out of the sky, and crashed into the ground below.

Stunned by what just happened, the crewmen turned to their leader. "Well???", the leader said. "Don't just stand there, fire back!!!!. And soon an intense sky battle ensued as we headed toward the broadcast area.

All was quiet as we ran up the hill toward the broadcast station. When we got there, the door was unguarded but heavily sealed.

"Okay, now how do we get in?", I said.

"Leave that to me". Yeshua said. Holding out his hands, he moved them apart from each other to separate them. Then the doors creaked and finally moved to the side.

"Alright guys, let's go", he said.

So we followed behind with Yeshua leading the way. As we walked down the hallway we came to a corner and turned right. Just up ahead were a few enemy guard further down the hallway. They had set up some crates in the formation of a mini barricade. In the middle of that barricade, there was a machine gun.

"Get them!", one them shouted. And the hallway lit up with red lasers flying through the air.

"Take cover!", shouted Yeshua as we moved out of the way. "Cayden, Ruth, head down that hallway until you reach the room with the broadcasting tech. Insert the disk and play it so the city can here. We will join you as soon as we can".

"Got it", we said.

"Okay, on the count of 3, run", He said. "One, two, three!"

Avoiding the machine gun fire, we bolted down the hallway toward the Tech room.

"Well, that was fun", I said.

When we entered the dark room, the light from the door illuminated the broadcast tech on the back wall.

"Spread out", Ruth said. "Try to find a disk player or something".

"There's one!", I said as we moved toward it.

"Do you want to do the honors Ruth?"

"Sure", she said.

I reached back into my bag, pulled out the DVD, and handed it to her. She walked it over and put it in. But while we waited for the disk to load, the disk player malfunctioned and exploded along with the disk. The explosion sent us back flying back as we fell onto the floor.

"No!", Ruth shouted. "Some sabotaged the player!"

Just then a sinister laugh filled the room. "Did you really think we would leave that disk player unguarded?" said a voice from the darkness.

Immediately we drew our lightsabers from our belts. Facing back to back, we looked around to see where it had come from.

"Who are you?", I said.

A figure appeared from the darkness.

"Do you recognize me now?", he said.

I gasped, "You're the commander I encountered earlier!"

"That'ts right", he said "And I brought company".

Looking around again, we saw black figures appearing out of the darkness. Their eyes were a glowing red as they moved forward and ignited their red lightsabers.

"Now, that I have you trapped", he said "it's time we put an end to this". He ignited his lightsaber as his eyes began to glow red.

"Ruth?", I said.

"Yes?", she replied.

" I sure hope that you were right about Yeshua being with us because were're really going to need Him.

"He is", she said. "Just be still and know that He is...".

The author's comments:

It's based off Christian spiritual warfare. I'm giving God the credit for helping me to do this, because without Him, I don't know if I would have ever gotten it done.

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