The Secret Hatch | Teen Ink

The Secret Hatch

April 30, 2019
By Hunkpapa BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
Hunkpapa BRONZE, Fairbanks, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away there was this planet called Taboo where there was this civilization called Garruk. There was this boy named Jeff that was small as a freshman in high school and he always got bullied, but one day when he was walking home he found this key on the side of the road so he just left it. The next day when he walked passed it was still there so he left it there. A few days later had passed, but later as he walked passed the same spot the key was gone.

Then when he had gotten home the key was sitting right on the front porch of his house and the key was a silver color with a cross as the front part of the key and some weird intricate designs as the handle. As he sat there staring at the key for a good 30 minutes his mom came onto the porch and asked him what he was doing and he said nothing as quick as he could and snatched the key up with an instant. He then ran into his room and grabbed the closet door which he was going to put the key into the closet, he then started to open it, but as he was opening it his mom called him downstairs. After dinner, he went back upstairs to his half-open closet.

He noticed that the closest was halfway open so he closed it. The next morning before school he opened his closet to get some fresh clothes on and he looked down and he noticed that there was a hatch that he had never seen before, and there was a lock on the handle into it. Then out of nowhere the hatch just starts shaking vigorously and he slams the closet door shut. After he shut the door the shaking stopped and he looked at the clock and it said 7:10 so he ran downstairs grabbed his book bag and rushed out the door.

After school when he got home the hatch was gone from inside his closet he then turned around with a face of confusion thinking to himself what could have happened to the hatch. Later that night when he was laying in bed trying to fall asleep a noise started coming from under his bed so he jumped up out of his bed and ran to the other side of the room. Once he got to the other side of the room he looked under his bed and it was the hatch that had gone missing from his closet. He then ran to the bed and flipped his mattress to get a better look at the hatch. He then remembered the key that he had put in the closet.

He rushed over to grab it to see if it would open the hatch. He grabbed the key off the shelf and rushed over to find out that the key was magnetic, and when he tried to put the key into the hatch door it got sucked into the hatch door. At that point he was so entitled to find out what was going to be inside that he could not help but to turn the key, but as he did the key snapped. And when he tried to pull the hatch up the hatch was still locked. He had gotten so mad that he started jumping on top of the hatch, but as he was jumping on top of it started to crack and he tried to jump off of the hatch but he fell in.

He then realized that he was slowly floating away from the hatch in outer space and he could see all the stars and a couple of aliens in UFOs flying towards this planet. You could see their whole colony on the planet and he started trying to go towards the hatch so that he could tie himself off so that he wouldn’t die out in space. As he was about to go into the hatch his friend walked into the room and saw the hatch. His friend looked down the hatch and saw his friend floating in space next to this big planet so he jumped in but as he jumped in he knocked the hatch and it fell and closed.

As they were both floating there they were talking for what seemed like it had been hours when in reality it had only been thirty minutes. Then out of the blue, an explosion happened on the planet below and all they could see was that there was something coming at them with high speeds. After about ten minutes of the thing coming at them, they could tell that it was a rocket that was coming at them.

A few minutes later the rocket came to a stop right below them and something started to come out of the rocket. It was an octopus looking thing with eight eyes. When he got out he was in a suit that looked like a space suit but was big enough to hold a giant and the head of the octopus thing was clear and you could see its brain. The brain on the thing was the size of a golf ball. The thing was also holding a gun that looked like something out of star wars.

Then it started talking to us with an unknown language that he didn’t know. Then more of the aliens started coming out of the ship that they were on and started forcing the two kids into the ship. After they were in the ship it took about five minutes to get the ship to turn around, but after they turned around they started heading towards the planet in the ship.

Once they reached the planet they were forced to go and see the king of the planet. As they were walking towards to kings throne the king started to squirm his way to the throne. Once the king was in his throne he started to speak gibberish to them and the kids did not know what he was saying. Then the kids start getting shot at by the alien guns and the kids are set free and run out of the building and find that the outside of the building had changed and the rocket that they were on before was in the distance. It seemed like they had been in there for like hours but they were only in there for ten minutes.

Once they realized that the rocket was too far for them to walk so they had to find a way to get there and get off the planet. As they started running through the town of the aliens they found a shop that when they looked inside the window there was another human in there. So they walked in and the human man yelled: “how did you get here, I thought that I was the only human on this planet”. As they sat there talking for hours the old man in the shop said you should go so your not stuck here forever.

Then the kids looked at him with curiosity and said what do you mean. He said that if they are still on the planet in six hours that they will be stuck there forever. As the kids stood there shocked they started breaking out in tears. Then the man said stop crying and get out of here. So the kids started to run out of the shop and the man yelled be careful there are a lot of crazy aliens on this planet. Then the kids run out the front door but as there running outside the rocket takes off into the sky.

About an hour later the rocket comes back down to the planet and the aliens are walking through the town with more hostages and as the kids got a look at the hostages he had realized that it was his sister and her friend and the kids are yelling “help get us out of here”. Then the kids ran over to the cage that they were in and tried to get them out but the guards started to push the kids away from the cage. As the kids in the cage started to get into the palace where the king is they shut the doors behind them.

So Jeff and his friend started to scope out the palace to see if there was another way into the palace. After about five minutes of looking Jeffs friend found an entrance just above the door on the side of the palace. As they made their way to the entrance some guards came out of the palace and saw them climbing and they started to shoot at them. As they were dodging the laser beams that they were shooting they finally made it up to the window and went inside. Once inside they walked forward toward the railing and watched the king talking to the kids in the cage. As the king was talking to his sister there was an awkward pause then the king said something to the guards next to the cage with the kids in it.

Then the cage started to rise because the guards started to lift it up and the guards pointed towards the front doors with there wet slimy tentacles. Then the kids ran towards the doors and the guards opened them. The kids ran into the streets and Jeff and his friend were being stared at by the king. Then the king said something to the guards but by the time the guards had looked up there Jeff and his friend were out of there.

After that moment with the king and the guards, the guards were all over the town looking for Jeff and his friend. As the guards were looking for Jeff and his friend, Jeff and his friend were looking for Jeff’s sister and her friend without getting caught. As Jeff and his friend were snooping around he sees his sister but in reality, it’s not his sister it’s his sister from a different reality. As he walks toward her some guards in the background see him and they start to squirm there way towards him and his friend.

But as Jeff is running towards his so-called sister he grabs her arm and pulls her towards his friend and he realizes that his sister's friend isn’t with her and asked where she is. His so-called sisters reply “what are you talking about”, and Jeff explains what is happening to him and his friend and his so-called sister said that the same thing was happening to her that had happened to Jeff and his friend. Jeff then realizes that there could possibly be a duplicate of himself and his friend and if they see them that there is going to be some serious issues that they are going to have to work out.

As they are talking the guards from before turn the corner and then Jeff realizes that they are at the end of an alley. But as the guards are slowly squirming towards Jeff his friend and Jeff sisters duplicate from another dimension Jeff is looking around and sees a ladder in the corner and Jeff yells “look a ladder” and all three of them get up the ladder as quickly as they could. Once they are on the rooftops they are running through the streets on the roofs of all the houses. They reach the end of the town where the large walls are that surrounded the town.

Once they get on top of the walls they reach over the railing to see if there is any water or anything on the other side to catch there fall. As they are searching around the wall and they don’t see anything they notice that there is a bubble on the outside of the wall and when Jeff sticks his hand out there he realizes that his hand got super light and it felt like there was no gravity. So being the smart person that Jeff is he decided that he was going to jump off the side of the wall. But as he is jumping off the wall he slips and he barely makes it into the outside of the bubble.

When he hits the ground he lands on his butt and hurts his back. As he stands up he cracks his back and he yells it’s safe to come down here. Then the other kids jump down and land on their feet. Once they are all down to find the ship they look back up to the wall and the guards are up on the wall looking at them then the guards turn around and squirm away. Then they turn around and look out in the distance they see a glowing light. Then Jeff says that they should head for the glowing light, but then he realizes that he still has to find his sister. He then tells the other two to make there a way to the glowing light, but his other dimension sister insists that they stay together because they do not know what could happen to them if they split up and go separate ways.

Then he says that he is going back into the town and told them to come if they wanted to. As he was walking back into the town the other two were behind him shaking because they were scared that they were going to get caught. Once back into the town they head for the shop with the human, but as they were turning the corner they saw some guards talking to each other in their language. As they turned around as quick as they could the guards noticed them and the guards started to squirm towards them as fast as they could. Then Jeff had to think fast on how they were going to get out of this sticky situation.

He was looking around when he had remembered a shop that they had passed not long before and Jeff told them that they had to get back to that shop. Once they got back to the shop that was just around the other corner they ran to the side of it and hid in the garbage cans that were empty on the side of the shop. Once they heard the guards squirm past them they get out of the cans and they rush towards the shop. Once in the shop, they run over to the counter to find a sign that says that he is leaving town and will not be returning.

After that, they all talk about what they are going to do because he is skipping town. They decided that they were going to split up and search the town for Jeff’s sister and once they found her they would yell to signal that they had found her. Once they signal they would meet at the front gate. After they left to go and find her they split up and Jeff and his friend went one way and Jeff’s sister from another dimension went another way. After about an hour of looking Jeff comes across a girl in the alleyway way next to the palace.

After saying show yourself to her a couple of times she finally shows herself and it’s his sister's friend Emily. Jeff asks Emily where his sister is and she said that she didn’t know because they got in a fight and they went their separate ways. Jeff then responds with why, and Emily just said that they got in a fight because Jeff’s sister wanted to search his room and they found the hatch and they went into it. Once inside they couldn’t get out and the aliens came and got them, and know we're here.

Jeff then says that they need to go to find his sister and that if they don’t find her soon that they are going to be stuck on the planet forever. Emily says that she knows what direction she went in and that she is probably at the shop that’s just outside the front gate. Once they get back to the front gate Jeff and his friend and Emily walk to the shop and sure enough there was Jeff’s sister sitting outside the shop crying. Then Jeff yells to get his sister from the other dimension to come back to the front gate.

Once she is back at the front gate she sees Jeff’s sister and she starts to walk towards her and a big light starts to shine in the middle of them and as Jeff’s sister looks up and she sees the light she looks at Jeff and says I love you and I’m sorry. But before Jeff could say I love you too she was running into the light. Then a huge flash happened and when Jeff looked up his sister was floating in front of him as an apparatus. As she is floating there she says I love you and tell mom and dad that I love them and that I will miss them, and I will miss you the most because you told me what I could do and what I couldn’t do and I’m going to miss ransacking your room when your not home. As Jeff is standing there crying he looks up and says that he loves her and he is going to miss her.

After all that she starts to fade and after she is gone Jeff gets on his knees and starts crying until out of know where a flash a Lightning strikes the ground right in front of him and once the flash is gone all he sees is his sister standing right in front of him. He then gets up and runs over to her and gives her a big hug. Once all of them are together again they start to make there way back towards the town that is glowing in the distance. As they're going towards the town they run across a forest that is very dangerous because there is a sign at the front that says dangerously.

As they are walking into the forest it starts to get darker and darker because the trees are so thick. Once it’s completely dark they could see a light and some smoke but once they got near it started to get brighter outside because the trees weren’t so thick. Once they walked into the opening there was a dark brown cabin with another human but this human was weird because he was holding a sword that was on fire but the flames were purple and when he was swinging it the flames would create creatures that were made of the flames. And those creatures were attacking the dummy that was standing right in front of the human.

Then we walked up to the dude and we said “excuse me”, but when we said that he turned around and sliced open Jeff’s chest. After Jeff fell to the ground bleeding out the man that sliced him open got on his knees and started waving his hands around over Jeff’s chest. Then the blood disappeared and the slice in his chest was gone and Jeff woke up and said: “what happened “. Then Emily got down on her knees to help Jeff get up but as they were getting up the man with the sword was gone and when they looked in the house he wasn’t there. Then as they were walking out of the house the man was standing right next to the dummy. When they walked over to the man standing by the dummy they asked him where he went and he said that he went to the heavens. After he said that they asked him which way the town was from here, and he pointed to the direction that they had come from.

Then the kids all said “the other town” at the same exact time. Then he pointed in the other direction and said I wouldn’t go there if I were you, not without a sword. Then Jeff said “why not” and the man said that it wasn’t exactly a town it was a place that all of the bad aliens were sent, and if they ever leave the town then they would be sentenced to death. Then the kids said that they needed to get off of the planet and the only way to do that is to steal the rocket that is in the distance. Then the kids start to walk away and Jeff turns around to say thank you and he was already gone.

As they keep walking through the forest they come across a weird looking flower, it had teeth the size of an apple and they were covered with this weird glowing blue liquid. There was a  hole in the middle of the teeth which leads me to believe that there was a mouth on the flower, and the stem was really thick like the size of a really big carrot. As they kept creeping through the forest they came across a thing that looked like a squirrel but the thing was the size of a wolf, and it traveled by itself but when we got near it made a sound that sounded like a goat that was dying. We also came across this really large tree that had a face in the side of it and when we were walking past it, it started to move and when we looked at it, it asked us what we were doing here in the middle of the woods.

Then Jeff said that we were heading for the town that is just outside of the forest. The tree then replied with “you know that it’s not a town just outside of the forest it’s a town where all of the bad inhabitants of this planet go after they have committed a crime”. Then Jeff replied saying that we had already known that. Then the tree asked us how we knew that and Jeff told him that the man that lives in these woods in the log cabin with the purple flamed sword had told them. Then the tree got really mad because there was someone living in his forest. Then the ground started to shake and the tree started to rise out of the ground.

After the shaking had stopped the tree had been standing right in front of the kids and said thank you young ones for telling me that someone is living in my forest. Then Jeff realizes that the tree was speaking English, and Jeff asked how the tree knew how to speak English and the tree replied with “I know how to speak every language in the universe”. Then the tree turned around and started walking towards the cabin that was in the forest. As Jeff, his sister and both of there friends started walking again they came across a bench that had a bench on top of it and ladders on the sides to get on the top row.

As they kept walking they started to notice that there was a light that was just up ahead. As they started to run towards the light they could start to make out the size of the town and it wasn’t as small as they had thought, in fact, it was probably the size of New York City. As they kept walking on the path to the town they could tell that there was a huge wall around the whole town and only one way in and one way out. Then as they looked up they could see the rocket. As they stood there staring at the rocket in the distance they could tell that the rocket was just on the other side of the huge town. Once they started to walk down the path again they looked back and all they could see was the forest.

As they kept walking towards the town they noticed that the rocket was outside of the town so they all decided that they were going to go around the wall so they don’t have to deal with the guards that could be all over the town. As they walked up to the town the went right and they started to walk around the town. As they were walking they noticed another squirrel looking thing lying on the ground in the open whining so they went over to it and there was a huge slice in its side. So Jeff took off his shirt and wrapped it around the animal's stomach and tightened it up so that it would slow down the bleeding.

Then Jeff picked up the animal and started to carry it with them, but as he started to walk away his sister was asking him if they were going to take the animal with them and Jeff said that they couldn’t just leave it there to die. Then they realized that Jeff was walking in the wrong direction and when they asked him why he was walking in the wrong direction he said that he was taking the animal to the man in the forest so he could heal the animal. As he started to walk towards the forest he told the others to head for the rocket but his sister insisted that they stay together so they don’t get separated again.

As they all were standing in front of the forest the squirrel thing started to bleed through the shirt and Jeff had to hurry before the animal died. So Jeff started to run through the forest. As he passed the bench, the spot was the tree was, the weird looking flowers he finally made it back to the cabin. As he gently placed the animal on the ground the man walked out of the cabin and asked why they were back Jeff ran over to the man and asked if the man could heal the animal that was injured.

Then the man asked over to the animal got on his knees and undid the shirt and started to heal the animal. Once the man was done the animal got up and walked over to Jeff and started to rub his body on Jeff and the animal followed them out of the whole forest and back to the town. Once they got back to the town all of them and the animal started to walk down the side of the town when Jeff saw that there was a couple of swords lying on the ground against the wall to the city but these were not regular swords they were swords that had purple flames on them.

After they picked up the swords they felt a weird rush of power going through their veins. As they kept walking the swords started to get heavier and heavier. As they got to the back of the town they were standing at the bottom of the rocket ship and know they had to find a way into the rocket ship area because there was a fence around the rocket. As they were walking around the rocket to find a way into the gates they noticed that the way into the rocket was surrounded by guards. Once they got to the back of the rocket they found the entrance and when they got into the area with the rocket they had a couple of guards squirming there a way to the kids. The squirrel animal started to run over to the guards and it shot its tongue at the guards and the guards started to melt.

Once the guards were completely gone there was a small explosion and it signaled all the other guards that there was someone there. Then after about a minute of the guards squirming around them, they were completely surrounded by guards. As the guards started to close them in the swords started to glow with blue flames then, when we swing the swords around the flames, turned red. Once one of the guards got close enough Jeff swings his sword at one of them and slices its stomach open then all of the guards start to rush towards them and the kids are just killing all of them, and the squirrel animal is just making them melt.

After they had killed about twenty guards they looked up and they were still surrounded by guards. Then the man from the forest came out of know were and started to help slay all the guards. Once all the guards were dead they started to make there way up to the top of the rocket ship, but as they were making there way up the squirrel animal looked down and started whining again, but this time it was whining because it was scared of the heights that they were at. So Jeff grabbed the squirrel animal and picked it up and started to carry it all the way up to the top where they enter the rocket.

Once in the rocket, they had to climb the ladder to get to the cockpit. At least the ladder wasn't that big so Jeff was able to climb the ladder with only one hand and with the squirrel animal in the other. Once in the cockpit, they all got buckled and started to lift off, but once they got into space Jeff realized that they didn't know where the hatch was. Then they noticed something in the distance that was glowing so bright that it was like the sun but smaller. When they went over to it they went back out into space and sure enough, it was the hatch they needed.

As they were about to go through the hatch the rocket said that the self destruct had been initiated and that it was going to blow up in one minute. Then Jeff told his sister and her friend and Jeff's friend to go into the hatch and to take the squirrel animal with them and that he would be there after they got in. But as he was about to go into the hatch the rocket said Three … Two … One … and before the ship blew up Jeff woke up from his alarm which meant that it was all a dream. But know he knows how much he loves his family.

The End

The author's comments:

I'm in 11th grade and I do not like to write.

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