The Dead Attack | Teen Ink

The Dead Attack

May 9, 2019
By miaahaan BRONZE, Cerritos, California
miaahaan BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s been a year since his grandfather had passed away, and the boy was filled with sadness. His grandfather and him, had always been close ever since the boys father had left. He took him to his first boy scout meeting, helped him with baseball, and even taught the boy how to drive. But then, his grandfather became ill and everyday it got worse and worse. In a blink of an eye, his grandfather died in his sleep. His best friend was gone.

The boy decided to pay his grandfather a visit and replace the flowers that rested on top of his grave. The sky was filled with dark clouds and it looked as if it was already night. The boy wandered through the graveyard and finally spotted his grandfather's tombstone. He sat down beside it and started to ‘talk’ to him. While he was talking, the boy felt uneasy, as if someone was watching him. Paranoid, the boy began to look all around him to see if there was anyone around him, but he saw no one. As his eyes returned to his grandfather, he heard a loud a crack. Spooked, he got up and made a break toward the exit. As much as he wanted to be with his grandfather, graveyard always gave him the creeps. The darkness and the rough ground slowed him down as he ran through the graveyard. As he ran he tripped and couldn’t get up. Something gripped his ankle tightly. He looked behind to see a decayed had emerging from the ground. The hand pulled the rest of its body out of the grave while the boy was still struggling to break free. He tried to shake it off. But the zombies iron grip did not let go, he needed to think fast. The boy pulled out a pocket knife that his grandfather gave him and cut off the zombies had. The zombies grip loosened and the boy ran for his life. The zombie let out a loud cry and suddenly 4 more zombies started to emerge from the ground behind him. The boy stood there frozen with fear as he saw the four zombies coming after him. Snapping out of his trance, the boy started to run. He realized that he needed to find his grandmother. She lived in a deserted part of town and her house was filled with ‘magical items’ or so she said. She started learning about them after his grandpa, her husband died. If there was a answer, he’d find it there. But everywhere he looked zombies were popping out of their graves. They grabbed him by his mouth and began eating away at his flesh. Soon, they pulled him into the ground and the boy was never seen ever again.

The author's comments:

I love any type of zombie story so I was inspried to write one of my own. 

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