The Peculiar Creature | Teen Ink

The Peculiar Creature

May 10, 2019
By Kaineezy BRONZE, Cerritos, California
Kaineezy BRONZE, Cerritos, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Happy Birthday Damian! Look I have a surprise for you Damian!” Gabe said.

“Wow, thanks Dad,” Damian said in a melancholy tone.

“What’s wrong son? I thought you wanted a new fish for your birthday?”

“Don’t worry about it. Nothing’s wrong,” Damian mumbled as he walked away.

Although Damian got what he asked for, he was unsatisfied, so he decided he would get his own fish at the nearby pond. Damian stayed there for hours until he finally caught the right one, but this one seemed somewhat strange. It had an unusual appearance because it looked like a goldfish, but had webbed-feet like fins to help it swim and ferocious razor-sharp teeth. He decided to bring it home and add it to his aquarium.

However, he noticed something even more strange when he got home. When he dumped the fish into his aquarium, he noticed that it had gotten significantly bigger. Damian was fascinated, but he also didn’t know what to do if it got any bigger because he knew that he wasn’t suppose to get a new fish without his Dad’s permission. He was exhausted from staying out all day and decided to go to sleep. When Damian woke up the next day, he stepped in a giant puddle of water and saw that the tank was broken. He also saw that the water lead to somewhere else in his house.

“Dad, why is the floor all wet? Dad?” Damian repeated, but he got no answer back.

He followed where the water was coming from and it lead to his dad’s bedroom. When Damian entered the room, he stood still in terror. Damian was so overwhelmed and terrified by the size of the creature and what it had done, that he couldn’t move. He began to scream, but it was too late. The loud sound of the scream soon became silent.

The author's comments:

I have always been interested in suspenseful fantasy or science fiction stories. I also believe this is one of the best short stories I have written so far.

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