Gone | Teen Ink


May 29, 2019
By lemonboi BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
lemonboi BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was once the prince of a great kingdom that laid up on the clouds with august angel like wings. I was strong and respected with the soul purpose to protect my people as I claimed the throne. In an act of treason to protect my friends I lost it all. Everything was gone.

My wings, gone.

I felt as light as a feather. Dandelion seeds blew around me by a wave of wind that could easily lift me off my feet.  

My strength, gone.

I felt as weak as a twig. A simple hit could shatter my bones. Once the greatest and strongest knight was now nothing.

My home, gone.

A great kingdom that was meant to be mine is now far out of my reach, left to own nothing but my soul.

My purpose, gone.

My life, my plans, my duty, all just scraped away and handed over to someone else. Spent all my life perfecting my plans just for it all to fall along with me.

My wings was gone. My strength was gone. My home was gone. My purpose was gone. Everything that was or were meant to be mine, gone. Just by a wave of the kings hand, all gone.

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