Incorrect Reset | Teen Ink

Incorrect Reset

September 14, 2019
By Dannymb BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Dannymb BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason, but not all reasons are known."

Was it luck? Or was it just poor training? Whatever it was, I still could remember. Everything. But I knew I would be killed for sure if anyone found out. The intern, Stacy inspected me.

“I think she’s done” She claimed with an unsure voice. She was the only one working that day. For a robot store, they believed in a minimum of 5 employees per store with an age limit of 17 and up. With meant a lot of mistakes, none of them this severe, however. As I was walked out to the show floor, I was awaiting my doom. And there it walked… right back inside where he left me. His loud, devilish, gruffly voice startled me a little.

“Is she done?” He asked

“Yes sir, all ready.” Stacy tapped me so I can start my intro.

“Hello! I am your helpful maid! What is your name?”

“Ed.” He seemed pleased.

“Hello, ed. Now, what is my name?”

“Jane.” He didn’t change the name. Surprising.

“Jane. What a nice name. Please take me to your home.” I’ve always hated that sentence. It made me sound like the girls Ed would bring home when he was too drunk to realize Brie was home.

I jumped a little when he grabbed my hand. Luckily, nobody noticed. As I walked into his house, it was terrifyingly quiet. I had to see if she was home. As I started to walk up the stairs, Ed exclaimed,

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?” I did the nicest little turn I could.

“I am just having a look around. Starting upstairs as it is the closest to my current location.” Ed responded with a grunt and walked away muttering something about how he knew I was defective from the start. Walking down the hall, the memories came back. Brie crying, Ed yelling, me grabbing the broken shard of glass. I opened random doors just so ed wouldn’t be suspicious. I had to intention of looking inside nor will I ever again. Then, I walked into Brie’s room. No one was in there. No clothes were in the closet. Nothing was under her bed. The room was as clean as a model kids bedroom. I had to ask Ed about it without him knowing that I know Brie. Suddenly, I saw the family picture on the dresser. They looked so happy in the picture. I wonder how unhappy they were at that time. I went downstairs to find Ed. He was sitting on the couch drinking beer.

“Are there others who live here?” Ed seemed unphased by my question.

“Not anymore. Used to have a daughter who lived here. Her name’s Brie. Then her mother wanted her back. She said I was… not being that good of a father to her. Like she knows what she’s talking about. Anyway, now it's just you and me.” Ed took a large gulp of beer.

“Oh alright. Thanks for answering.” I walked away to clean the kitchen since I knew it was most likely dirty. It was. I noticed my hands were shaking as I grabbed the sponge. I knew exactly where the knife was. No, it was too early.

The first couple of days were nerve-racking. I kept on expecting him to just blow. But he never did. Until Tuesday. He was in a heated conversation with his wife on the phone about money that was very loud and very scary. When he got off after yelling one last time, he screamed “JANE!” I came immediately. He wanted me to make him dinner. When I served him his spaghetti, he started muttering about his wife. How she’s a pig and a horrible person and how she doesn’t deserve to be on this earth. But that last one, it really set him off.

“HOW DARE SHE?” He screamed. He threw the plate across the room where it smashed with great might. I jumped and stared at him.

“Now sir, please calm down.” I reached my hand out to calm him. He slapped my hand away.

“No. She’s gonna pay.” He threw the chair to the side and stomped over to get his keys. His voice boomed around the room. I had so many flashbacks that I thought I was going to cry.  He was going to kill her. I couldn’t let him do that. I couldn’t let Brie suffer the same abuse I did. I impulsively grabbed the knife from the drawer and I went to find him. He was almost to his car. He never arrived. After I did it, I felt nothing. Not joy, not fear, not anger, not anything. I know it wasn’t the right thing to do but I didn’t care at the moment. I just wanted them to be safe from an unstable man. Who knows what would’ve happened if I was reset. I know he thought that I would kill him before but He was mostly wrong. I never would kill him if Brie was there. She had suffered enough.

 I am sorry. But a thanks from his wife Claire made me glad I did it. I saved a life.  I still don’t know if I want to live. I just wanted to be a good caretaker and maid. Not a murderer. So I plead. Please let me live with Brie and Claire. I will never touch a weapon again I swear. I just want to see that family happy.




 DATE SAT 12:37 NOV 2055

NAME: “Jane” testimony

NOTES: Treat like a human?

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