The Records of the Treeworth Time Machine Crisis | Teen Ink

The Records of the Treeworth Time Machine Crisis

October 18, 2019
By potthast-melanie24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
potthast-melanie24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

December 31, 2099

Dear Ms Quinn, 

By now you should be aware of the unpleasant crisis that struck us yesterday evening. Six persons have been launched into the past and future. Based on our best guesses, three have been launched into the past, three to the future, based on our best mathematicians calculations, of course. But the thing is, that is all we know. They were very private people and preferred to keep their trips with us off the record---at a high payment.

As you know, Mr. O’Malley and his team of historians are working around the clock to locate these individuals. Furthermore, our representatives in the media and world politics are working to keep this quiet. 

However, the purpose of this letter is to advise you to close the Treeworth Time Machine to the public for the time being. We’ll still be able to open again after this Incident is settled, but for now, I think we should focus all our forces into settling this unpleasant incident so that a scandal doesn’t break. A scandal can ruin anything. But that is only my humble opinion, as you are CEO, not me. 

Happy New Century,

G.Loworth Micheals

Mrs. Grace Loworth-Michaels

Field Supervisor

31st December 2099

Dear Grace Loworth-Michaels

I am happy to take your suggestion into action. This is an unfortunate incident that must be resolved at once. We have just found a note from the past. Will you join me, Mr. O’Malley and Mr. Peters for a meeting on the second to discuss the note? Please respond at once. 

Happy New Century

Ms Elena Quinn

Ms Elena Quinn


31st December 2099

Dear Mr. Peters

As the employee on duty during the incident, Mr. O’Malley and Madame Michaels need to see you on the 2nd for an emergency meeting about the note. Please respond at once. 

Ms Elena Quinn 


January 1st 2100

Dear Ms Quinn, 

I feel as if the current crisis is the most dangerous we have and will ever face. My team of historians has been researching and we have found answers. Many pieces of evidence point to our three missing persons in the past being located in the late 20th century. Our note from one Crystal Johnson is enough to tell us that. It is quite impossible to find the ones launched into the future.  Going back to the ones in the past, I fear it won’t be long until we find actual graves. Ms. Quinn, I fear this has gotten too big and is likely to go unresolved.

Because of this, I feel like it is best to close the case.

Happy New Century

Mr. O’Malley

Head Historian

December 30th, 1999

To the Treeworth Time Machine Co.--

My brother, cousin and myself have been transported back in time as you very well know. We are trying as hard as we can to get back to our own time---even with all the crazy people running around thinking the world is going to end. I am begging you not to give up on us. Hopefully, this won’t be for anything. Hopefully, this letter will not fall on deaf ears. Will you please try and do all you can to help us? And if you can’t help us, please try and help my grandmother, mother, and father, as they are in another time.

Don’t give up on us. Rest assured, you will get your money, once we get out of this. Plenty.  


Crystal Johnson

January 2nd, 2100

The Following Message is a mass-produced letter sent by Ms Elena Quinn, TTM CEO to all of her employees:

By now I am sure you have all heard about the crisis that threatens the future of our company. Six individuals have been lost in time. Well, I have received multiple messages begging me to close the case and forget about these people. Here’s why I can’t.

One of the missing people--Crystal Johnson--was a very good friend of mine that I cared about when I was in school. We grew apart eventually, but I never forgot her. We found a letter that she wrote and it reminded me of something that haven’t thought about in years. I owe her a favor. I am so sorry I looped you all into this. 

I think it’s safe to say that the Treeworth Time Machine will be closing once this crisis ends. I care about the business very much, but I care for my friends too. I think my actions would negatively impact the business, which would negatively impact you all. Attached here is a check-off $100,000. This should be enough. 

-CEO Elena Quinn

January 5th 2100

Dearest Crystal

I hope with all my heart that this letter reaches you, but if it doesn’t then I don’t know what I’ll do. 

I have come across a formula and a list of the parts you need so that you can return to the present. I hope with all my heart that it works. I have already sent it to the future to the others and they have returned safely. 

Once you return I want to catch up with you. I haven’t seen you in so long. 

I hope this works.

Love from


March 1st, 2000


We’re on our way. Took us a while, but we managed.



I do miss you, you know. I’ll tell you everything when we see each other again. It’ll be good to see your face.

The following is the closing remarks of Mrs Grace Loworth Michaels on the Treeworth Time Machine Crisis:

All six people have been returned to the period they belong to. I am afraid this is the last report I will ever type up because Ms. Elena Quinn is closing the company she is CEO of. The crisis has spanned from December 30th, 2099---January 7th, 2100.

The company---and the case has been closed.  


Elena Quinn

The last CEO of TTM

G.Loworth Michaels

Field Supervisor

© January 7th 2100



The author's comments:

My story takes place in the future, where time travel is possible and is a thriving business. I love sci-fi a lot and I like stories with time travel. 

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