The Heavenly Lake | Teen Ink

The Heavenly Lake

December 16, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a young girl about ten or eleven.  Her name was Nobi. She lived in this small town with her mother, father, and baby sister Molly. Nobi was a happy child, full of energy and imagination. This was needed in her life for her to hide away from reality. Nobi’s father was a livid man, who couldn’t control his temper. Her mother and herself lived everyday covered in bruises and drowning in fear. 

Nobi would spend her time wandering away from her home. Roaming the forest and imagining a magical world. She dreamed a world of vibrant colors. The sun was always shining, people always smiling, and nothing could ever be dull. She was so good at putting herself in a different place then reality. Sometimes she got confused on what was real and what wasn’t.

One day, while she was out searching the forest floors she noticed something she never had seen before.  There was this tunnel formed by a row of pussywillows. It was absolutely beautiful, and the smell was divine.  Nobi’s nostrils filled with the sweet, fresh smell of the willow that coated the trees. The sun poured in from the cracks of the trees.  At the end of the tunnel was this grand lake. The sun was gleaming off the water and pouncing off of the tall sunflowers. She at this moment was confused about reality and fiction.  She couldn’t believe that something so perfect could actually exist. 

She walked towards the water and stuck her toes in the water. She was expecting the water to shock her little toes with cold, but surprisingly, the water was warm.   Looking into this lake she saw her own reflection. She looked at herself and felt overwhelmed with bliss. She felt happy, she looked happy. 

Eventually Nobi slowly got more and more into the water. Walking into the water up to her knees, she watched the little fish swim along her feet. Soon she decided to take a swim. She dove in head first to submerge herself into the water. She opened her eyes and was in awe at what she saw

The lake floor was coated in shiny colorful rocks. The brightest orange, yellow, blue, pink, and purple she had ever seen. While she was scanning the rocks she noticed something else. There was this light shooting through  the slightly murky lake water coming from a hole. Nobi swam over to the light and saw something on the other side. She wasn’t quite sure what was there, and her curiosity took over. She swam through the hole that seemed to be just big enough for her to go through.

She landed with a thud into soft grass. Her hair and clothing wasn’t wet at all. The warmth of the sun felt so amazing on her face as she walked through the tall grass. Exploring this new world she found. Suddenly a small creature flew past her face. Thinking it was a bug Nobi swatted it away

“Hey! Watch out.” the small creature shouted to Nobi.

Nobi was so confused on how a bug just spoke. The little creature flew right in front of her nose so Nobi could see them. This creature was a fairy. She floated in the air with her hands on her hips She had a small dress made from a yellow leaf.  Her hair was golden brown and was in a long thick braid that went down her back.

“A fairy.” Nobi whispered. She could not believe what was in front of her.

“Yes. My name is Penny. You must be… Nobi?” Penny guessed.

“How did you know that?”

“Oh sweetie, we have been expecting you!” She said cheerfully and continued to fly ahead.

Nobi followed behind her. finally made it through the tall grass and into a small little town. There was beautiful women everywhere with the most extravagant dresses. Little children running around and playing ball. Fairies flying in the trees where all their homes hung. 

“What is this place?” Nobi asked Penny

“Euphoria.” Penny replied.

They continued to walk. All the children wove to Nobi as she passed through the town. Stopping at a fruit stand, a small child gave Nobi a fresh apple. Finally, Nobi and Penny arrived at this tree that was lit by all the lights from the faires homes. Penny flew up to the top as Nobi climbed the ladder that was connected to the trunk of the tree. At the top she was next to a small bed that was laid on a branch. 

“That's for you darling.” Penny pointed to the neatly made bed.

“Oh, I can’t stay. I must go home.”

“Just take a rest. This is my home right here.” there was a little hut hanging from the branch above, “You such a big journey back home, so you deserve a nap”

Nobi was easily convinced. She laid her head on the pillow of the bed and closed her eyes. She instantly fell asleep.

Nobi’s mother found the lake next.  The forest was dark and the lake water was green. Floating in the water was Nobi, face down. She sprinted into the water with tears streaming down her face. She grabbed Nobis limp body from the water and started to sob harder. Her pretty blue dress and curly red hair was drenched in the dirty water of the lake.  

“No, my baby!” Nobi’s mother shrilled.

She sat in the lake rocking back and forth. She couldn’t believe her baby was taken from her. The world seemed to be crashing down on her. Little did she realize, The lake put Nobi in a better place. A place she could be happy. Imagination saved her soul, but the lake ended her life

The author's comments:

This is a fairytale I wrote for my creative writing class

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