Down Goes the Manor | Teen Ink

Down Goes the Manor

December 7, 2020
By 21mcleanj BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
21mcleanj BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s always fun spending the night at a friend’s house with all of your friends thinking of stupid things to do and try not to get in trouble while doing it. But tonight my friends and I did something that no one has ever done before, which is sneak into the haunted manor and come out alive, well some of us . There is someone every year who winds up on the news because they have died while they are sneaking into the manor, but no one knows what is inside. The local police try to heavily guard the manor but there are also some more important things that the police need to control rather than idiots sneaking into a haunted manor. To be clear this was Jimmy’s idea after he shotgunned two energy drinks within the last hour. Louis being the crackhead he loved the idea and offered to drive the 5 of us there. It was about 11 o’clock at night and all of the boys were a bit terrified because of the unnecessary danger we were putting ourselves in. We knew which entrance we had to go to so that we would be able to avoid the police guard that most likely would be guarding the manor from trespassers. We parked on the side of the road with our lights off so that no one would see us. Spencer and Connor once again made a bunch of noise walking through the woods because “they didn’t want to ruin the drip”, as the mud wasa ruining their white shoes and branches tearing holes in their clothes. 

After the tumultuous trip through the woods to reach the manor it was intimidating to see the huge haunted house in front of us knowing that no one has ever gone in there and come out alive. Knowing that has to be the most psychotic thing, because why in the hell are we doing this? Sure it would be cool if we live to tell about it but we have so much life ahead of us why would I want to risk that in some stupid haunted house. There had been rumors about what was inside, such as a werewolf, sea monster, or secretive evil cult that has never left the place for 50 years now. It could be any of these things or something else but whatever it is has been a killing machine. Jake and Louis seemed to be ready for a state championship game with the mixture of nervousness and excitement I could see each of them exuding. We entered what used to be the front doors of the manor, which seemed to have been ripped or blown off. I was in awe of what I saw at first sight in the manor, although the manor was quite overrun by nature and such this place had to be one of the most pristine houses in the area. It had a balcony looking over what used to be an open ballroom of sorts. But, now sitting in the middle of the floor is a giant black skull with a cross through it which really took the magic out of the room you first feel. 

The realization of what we were doing finally began to kick in, but there was no backing down now we had to continue into the house and try to find out what had been killing all these people for 50 years. Connor and I began to walk up the huge staircase hoping to see if there was anything upstairs to be able to help us fight off the enemy. Upstairs there was a large hallway with about 4 rooms on each side of it, the door frames were overgrown with vines and plants all over the place. As we walked down the hallway we began to hear footsteps that were not our own, we immediately dipped into one of the rooms to try and avoid a fight with no weapons. It was an old bedroom perfectly set up with the closet facing the door enabling us to be able to see the hallway while we were hiding. As the footsteps became louder I cracked the closet door barely open to be able to see who it was but as I opened the door it began to creak and make lots of noise that could draw attention to us. The footsteps were now right next to the door and were slowing down, we needed to hide so he didn’t see us. I closed the closet and was trying to see through the blinds, the man walked into the room as if he was looking for something. He had a large machete across his chest, checking the room we had to be as silent as possible or else we were toast. After what seemed like hours of the man searching the room he was about to leave when Connor farted and gave away our position. The man opened the closet, saw both of us and immediately grabbed Connor by the throat and chopped off his head with the machete, then grabbed me and took me hostage. 

Jake, Spencer and Louis heard the screams coming from upstairs and immediately ran up there to try and help us. Obviously, when they saw what had happened and realized they were too late to save Connor. They sat there in shock seeing his head depicted from his body with both of the pieces laying separately on the floor. Jake began to cry as he realized his best friend in the whole entire world was gone forever because of a stupid idea that he supported. Louis and Spencer who were still rattled by the situation but had to pull Jake away from Connor’s body in order so that they could find me. Louis being the smartest of the bunch saw the droplets of blood that must’ve dropped from the machete. 

The man who had taken me hostage knocked me out prior to carrying me out of the room, I finally woke up and was tied to a chair in the middle of a cell with the man standing outside making sure nothing goes on. After a couple minutes of just sitting there, a man walked into the room and began talking to the guard when they began to raise their voices at each other. Then out of nowhere, the new man pulled out a gun and shot the man who had taken me hostage. He then began to bark at me in some foriegn language I did not understand, while he was talking he unlocked the cell, untied me and invited me out of the cell. Although it did not seem like he was freeing me, he just had a different idea of what he had to do with me. 

The rest of the boys could not find me so they went back into the middle of the entrance to try and come up with a plan on what they should do, Spencer thought they should all split up separately and try to find something themselves but Jake and Spencer hated that idea. As they were coming up with the plan, the man and I walked in from the balcony upstairs, unexpectedly he pushed me down the stairs face first. After enduring the pain I got up and headed over to my friends hoping that we could escape. The man began to ramble on in his mysterious language, us not understanding him thought maybe he would just let us go if we just walked away, that was not the case as he began to raise his voice and pull out his gun as we moved away. Then Louis began mumbling the gibberish back to the man and surprisingly they seemed to understand each other, it was as if they were talking like cavemen who were just put on earth. Louis then walked up the stairs to get closer to the man and have a conversation with him. They both let out this huge scream which seemed as if they were calling for help which did not make sense to us as Louis was acting extremely weird. Spencer, Jake, and I began to be concerned about what was going on around them. The ground began to rumble and it seemed as if a herd of something was coming our way. About 5 seconds later, over 50 of these similar cavemen type figures sprinted into the huge manor and surrounded us. Terrified we look up to see what Louis is doing and it looks as if he is having some sort of seizure, jerking all over the place, screaming. A large roar comes from the balcony and all we see is the devil staring back at us. Louis’s whole life had been a hoax it seemed as if he had been waiting to do this to us for years. 

As the cavemen begin to close their circle in on us we can hear Louis talking to us from the balcony saying “ It only took you fools this long for me to lure you here, and now I finally get to devour the meal I have been craving for 7 years now.” All of the cavemen pulled out their machetes ready to finish us off for good this time, but then the sun began to creep through the ceiling window, and it was burning Louis, and it seemed that whatever was hurting Louis also gave the cavemen pain, we took this opportunity to cut through the circle of the cavemen. All of the enemies being caught up in the excruciating pain, gave us the opportunity to escape. We sprinted through the woods with the only goal in mind is to get into the car unharmed. Jake gets to the car first being the fastest he starts it as Spencer and I get in the back. 

After making it out alive we go to the police station immediately and they instantly take us into protective custody, with specialists coming to ask us what happened and after we told them, they began to call the government to inform them of the threat. The next few days were wild in our hometown, the president arrived and had a conversation with us about what we saw, there were endless swat teams and bomb squads in town to surround the manor. After 4 days of meetings the decision was made for the whole region surrounding our town because the only way to stop this thing was a nuke. It took 2 more days for everyone to get up and leave their homes, but that day a helicopter began to hover over the mansion to which the largest nuke ever dropped on earth was released. All homes destroyed and many people's lives would never be the same. All though we may have been the first people to ever make it out of the manor alive, we also ruined the lives for so many people that we loved and knew, and that is something we all struggled with for the rest of our lives. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I find it easy to write about things that I could picture myself doing, obviously in this story there are some fictional parts that would not happen, but I try to vividly paint a picture of the picture I have in my brain. 

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