12:06 AM | Teen Ink

12:06 AM

December 11, 2020
By Denise-B BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Denise-B BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      On a winter's night, it is nearing the early peeks of the morning, and, on the highway, is an old black car. Inside there's a 26-year-old woman on her way to the hospital to see her Father.  And next to her in the empty passenger seat sits the human form of her Father's sub-conscience, which is invisible to others. But to Leah, she is unaware of him only being a sub-conscience and not her real Father.

      She looks over to him and exclaims, "Father, your car is literally crap." As she leans forward, to breathe into her hands because the heat doesn't work. As time pass by, Leah continues to talk to her "Dad" in the seat over. Suddenly her face becomes frustrated and mad, and she starts yelling, "Oh, I don't know, Dad. It could be that you disowned me when I told you that I was transgender." Everything goes silent. Leah stops talking, and besides the heat not working, the radio doesn't either. 11:50 flashes in a low dim light on the car dashboard. Going through her Father's mind, he realizes things aren't going the way he hoped for. He builds up the strength to finally speak to her again. Before he got the chance to say anything, "Car keys."

      "What?” He turns to his daughter, confused.

      "There was a yellow truck on the side of the road. So, car keys." It hits him that she is talking about the old game they used to play when she was little during their drives together.

      He laughs and goes on about how she doesn't know what she's getting herself into. "I'm so going to win! I don't know why you even challenge me." 12 mins later, he found out he was totally wrong. "10 to 6. Dang, it! Ok, whatever, you won this one." 

      "Haha, I told you." Leah yawns.

      "Why not pull over, son, and let me drive? You can get some rest." 

      Face fuming, "I thought we were finally getting somewhere, Dad! I just can't make you happy. Can I?"

      "Come on, Tj, I don't understand what you want from me." Honestly, he realizes what he did wrong but is too stubborn to admit it.

      "All I want is your love and support, Dad. Is that so hard to ask?" Leah is fully facing her Father now, and at this point, the car is moving in all kinds of directions.

      "Come on, let's pull over first." He goes to reach for the wheel, and then Leah yanks it hard away from him. His hands did soon reach it, but instead of grabbing it, they went straight through. He forgot he wasn't even truly there, to begin with; his Fatherly instinct just kicked in. The car goes flying into the air upon impact; it strikes 12:06.

      In a pitch-black room with the only light being on Leah. "Hello, anyone here?" Leah gets up and starts to walk; she then spots a figure in the distance; the closer she got, the more she could make out what it was. She sighed, "Hey, Dad, what is this place?" Lowering down to sit next to him.

      He bluntly says, "Holding place before the afterlife."

      "The afterlife? Are you saying you're dead?" When the situation sinks in, her heart quickens. "Wait! Am I dead too?"

      "No, not yet, at least. I, on the other hand, my time is almost up. Do you even remember where you were going?"

      "Not really. All I remember is being on the road, and we were in the car together, arguing. Speaking of the car, what happened to your hands? Why did they go through the wheel?"

      "Because I wasn't there. The thing in your car was a human form of my conscience. Before you were on the road, your Mom called and said I was in the hospital and I wasn't going to make it. Right now, I am trying my best to hold on till you get there. But you crashing the car isn't making it easier."

      "I don't know why you're waiting for me. We haven't been in each other's lives for a while, and you are the one that made it that way."

      "Can't you shut up for a bit?" Making Leah close her mouth quick. "I know what I did was wrong, but it felt like you came at me from a total left field. I didn't know what to do or what to say. And I was struggling with your transition too. Out of nowhere, you took Tj from me, and I didn't know how to take it. I understand how I handle it wasn't the best, but I swear I never stop loving you. I just loved you from a distance."

      "Ha! From a distance? Mom was the only one there for me. She helped pay for my surgeries. She was also there to drive me back from my surgeries. I needed you, and you left me. Is that loving me from a far?"

      "Ugh, I can't do this anymore. Listen, Leah, I helped pay for your surgeries. I told your Mom not to tell you I genuinely love you even if you don't believe me. My conscience was in the car because I wanted to apologize before I went. But I screwed it up either way."

      I helped pay for your surgeries. Finally registers through her mind causing her to sigh in shame, "Come on, Dad, no, you didn't. I was the one who pulled the wheel. I shouldn't have done that. Also, I heard you."

      "Heard me, what?"

      "I heard you say my name. I love you too, Dad, and I forgive you. You don't have to wait for me. You can pass in peace. I wish we were able to better understand each other in this life, hopefully in the next."

      His face is super pale and stained with tears as he turns around. "You really are beautiful, Leah."

      In Leah's eyes, tears started forming, "Bye, Daddy."

The author's comments:

On her way to the hospital to see her father, she gets into a car crash after having an argument with him. When she wakes up they are in the holding place for the Afterlife. Where they hash out and try to solve their bitter and negative feelings toward each other before one or both of them cross over...

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