Boredom | Teen Ink


January 19, 2021
By Anonymous

It was late afternoon on Saturday, October 30th there was a cool breeze, the air was buzzing and the leaves were falling. Eno had just awoken from a nap not realizing the time he got up and walked outside he felt the cold breeze and shivered a little before going back inside. It was getting dark and he realized something odd. It was quiet; it was never quiet around his house. He shouted, no response, he shouted again, he was home alone. A late Saturday afternoon and no one was home he was excited he had the house to himself this meant it was going to be peaceful. Eno lived on a large farm out in the middle of nowhere and loved the quiet but most of the time machinery or his family were being loud. Eno noticed something on the fridge and a note it said “Went to the movies back around 10” His family left for the movies. This meant he had a while before they were coming home it was only 4 pm and he had time to just relax. He kicked back and chilled in a chair. He fell asleep. Suddenly a large crash was heard from outside Eno woke up assuming it was his family he sighed and tried to go back to sleep until he got the smell of smoke it had been almost twenty minutes since the crash surely his family was home, he peered at the clock and noticed it was only 8 pm and that his family wouldn’t be home yet. He ran downstairs to see if anyone had come home and was just cooking and check for the car nothing. Eno noticed a glow from outside. There was some type of fire going on in the middle of the field he ran outside immediately thinking one of the tractors or machinery had blown in the middle of the field he grabbed their hose and strapped it to his bike he pedaled across the rocky surface with mud and dirt everywhere till he reached the fire. He did not notice this machinery must have been something new. He assumed he shot the hose water into it to reveal some type of ship that had no machinery that his dad used; he quickly put out most of the flames and noticed a body in the middle of the fire. Badly injured and tattered he sprayed the body suddenly the body jerked to life speaking in a very weak voice. Eno was scared but went into the small ship to grab the body and remove it did so knowing the creature was too weak to hurt him he left the house and threw whatever it was on the back of his bike and rushed towards the house. The bumpy ride caused whatever the creature was to come out of his nausea based slumber and quickly worry as it would it was strapped on the back of a moving vehicle. Eno reached the house and threw the creature onto the table in his dining room. The creature could barely move he knew it had to be some type of intelligent life he grabbed a first aid kit and tried to help the creature he got food out of the pantry and tried but the creature had fallen asleep he gave it some time thinking it may have died he lightly touched it and it jerked back to life again and grabbed him. After that Eno woke up his dad shaking him asking if he was alright Eno peered at the clock to see 10 pm on the dot. 

The author's comments:

its a peice i needed to submit for a class i enjoyed this peice and i felt it was the one to submit. 

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