Interwoven Wolves(13) Climax pt 2 possible trigger warning. | Teen Ink

Interwoven Wolves(13) Climax pt 2 possible trigger warning.

February 10, 2021
By Anonymous

previosly: echo is facing secret who just pounced to kill.

the suspended moment snapped. the only thing echo saw was the flash of silver and black fur blurring forward, the gleaming teeth barred, the strong paws aimed for her chest. she knew there was a rock behind her that would knock her unconscious soon. but she didn't die, and she couldn't understand why. she just saw secret lunging at her over and over, on repeat. frosts voice broke her out and she realizedshe was on the other side of the cave, in frosts jaws. it hurt, but she wasn't dead. frost tossed her onto her back.

"sorry secret. if you kill her the pack will fall."

"traitor!" secret shouted and lunged towards frost, who ran. echo didn't react. she had no clue what was happening. she just kept seeing secret lunge at her on repeat. after a while she thought she felt water poured down her throat and coughed on it.

"echo? echo? are yo ok? echo, its me, galaxy. you're ok." secret lungedfor her again, and again, and again.

"what do we do? if she changes in the sunlands is it a problem?i cant take her back, they'll kill her."

"i dont think so. esspecally if shes near something darker. what did you have to give p t save her?"

"my pack may never accept me again. even when they understand why i did it if they ever catch me they'll probably execute me. will china let her stay?"

"no, symphony told him if the wolves manage to kill one more the moon will fall and the forest become sunlands."

"will you be in trouble for helping her?"

"no, lions arent nasty like wolves. i might get told off, but were to own people and were allowed to care about more than the pride."

"the wolves arent nasty. we have disapline and order. if the lions actually had respect for china and mist then they would have long since defeated the wolves, were glad your lazy, actually. but i need to know more about symphony, and her role in the pride." echo had no clue what they were talking about. who were mist, china, and symphony? 

"i think shes moving."

"oh good. i had to carry her in my mouth part of the way but i tried not to hurt or bite her. she should only be shocked."

"why would you do that?"

"well you try grabbing someone about to be killed, see how easy it is to get them on your back at such short notice." 

"arent wolves always bragging about how agile and precise they are?"

"had i worried about making her comfortable she would be dead right now." echo groaned and rubbed her head, sitting up slightly.

"whats going on? whys galaxy here?"

"shh its ok. frost saved you and brought you to me to hide you."

"frost saved me? but she only cares about her stupid pack." echos eyes opened a little, mostly closed to block out the sn viciously trying to get in her eyes. galaxy smiled smugly at frost.

"she does. ill let her explain."

"frost? how is saving me good for your pack?" frost sighed and sat back.

"youll stay awake? its a long story."

"mmhm." frost took a big breath and began.

The author's comments:

bet you cant guess what echo is!

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