The New Dimension | Teen Ink

The New Dimension

March 19, 2021
By Anonymous

“Start message and record please.”  

  “Okay, sir.”  

          The Void: “All our life we have lived on earth. That’s where we grow up and that’s where we will die. Or maybe not. The year is 2025 March 15th. And it is a Saturday. I have currently been traveling in this spacecraft for two years ten months and 16 days. The crew is doing fine. The five of us are enjoying each other's company. We ate Chinese food last night. And we played space football.  We still have plenty of food and oxygen levels are normal. We have been in the middle of space for 5 weeks. We are still moving forward but no sign of any life or planets. Just stars. It's beautiful though. Last night we saw a supernova. It was like a billion fireworks light off on the darkest night. I wish you were here to see it. Right now, I am sitting in the main quatres looking out the window. The crew is asleep. I guess I could introduce them. Jamie is our tech guy. He makes sure the ship is running smoothly and we have oxygen. Max and Tony are the pilots. Grace is in charge of the gear. And I am the scientist. I collect samples and work with them to track down the new planet. There is no way of telling time out here, so we sleep when we’re tired. Our mission and the reason we were sent up here was to find another planet. One like our place we call earth. We thought of the new planet's name a couple of months ago, we called it Alderaan. It's a planet like earth in Star Wars and it reminded me of you. Over the past years since 2020 things have been out of control. Our world has been falling apart. We've experienced outrageous wildfires, earthquakes on tremendous levels, stormed capital buildings, and had to live through a deadly virus, 2, I think. Covid and then the virus caused by the vaccine itself. It causes NeuroSystems in the brain to rewire completely turning people into what we call Shi. It means death in Japanese. The government was informed by scientist that if we didn't find a place to keep the heathy there would be no life in 100 years.  Our first destination was Mars. We got all our supplies and headed out. To where? I don't know.  We’ve been out of NASA’s radar for a year. We passed into the unknown. I don't know if there is anything out there. But we won't lose hope. We still have 5 years of enough supply moving forward. By then we should see something. We have been tracking carbon-dated trails and water in space. This might lead us to a planet. We have traced and mapped out over more than 20 galaxies, and then nothing. It's like it was the end. There is nothing but empty space out here. It's very quiet at night. I miss you sweet pea. be good for you mama okay. Love you, Abigail.” 

“End message.”  

“yes sir. Where would you like to save the recording? Under S.I.S.B?” 


       September 10th, 2026, a new dimension: “Since the last message we have made it out of the void. It is a space between one universe and another. It is a bunch of empty space that looks like it goes on forever. We started to get pulled by a bunch of gravitational waves. Our ship's power wasn’t strong enough to pull away. We are fine though. The ship had minimum damage. The first layer of metal plates was lifted. We were pulled into a green vortex of light. And now we are currently drifting through a meteoroid shower. So far, they are only small pebbles. But we are making progress. According to our computers, we are only a couple of months away from the planet. Once we land and make sure it is a livable space for humans, we will make contact with NASA. I can't wait to see you. Miss you kiddo.” 

         December 20th 2026th Danger: “This morning the crew and I got woken up by red flashing lights and loud noise. We all ran and met in the main quarters. We ran a diagnostic test. We might not make it to the new planet. We are very low on fuel and running out of oxygen. Apparently, the void had cracked the fuel tank and we have been losing it for weeks on end. And a meteoroid had shattered an oxygen tank. The electromagnetic waves in the void were so strong it was messing with the system controls we couldn't find a problem. We are a couple of weeks away from the new planet and we only have days left to survive. I miss you and love you. Stay strong and help mom. I'm sorry.” 
         April 18th, 2030 Alderaan: “I made it. It's been so long, and I don’t remember much. We were so low on fuel and our ship stopped outside the atmosphere of Alderaan. We lost Jamie. He went outside of the spacecraft to fix the radio antennas and his rope broke. We tried to get him back, but his helmet cracked open. He suffocated and froze. We watched through the exit doors window. It still gives me nightmares. I can keep hearing him say “I can’t breathe.” It haunts me like a demon I created coming back to me. The ship was pulled into the atmosphere and crashed into the side of a mountain. That crash killed Max. We couldn’t find his body, but we thought he might be under all the rubble. For weeks it was Grace, Tony, and me. Grace couldn’t stand being stranded and she thought no one would come back. She left one night and when we went searching for her in the morning, we saw her body in the water. There were no wounds on her body, and she knows how to swim so we suspected she killed herself. Tony and I made camp near a lake. Every day we would make the climb up the mountain and at night come back with pieces of the ship. We made this radio we are contacting you with. So, if anyone is still there, we need help. Come get us or send people here. The planet is safe, and we mapped out the best way to get here. Please help. Please... 

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