The Rightful Queen | Teen Ink

The Rightful Queen

April 24, 2021
By Anonymous

They would never accept to bow to a woman. But they didn't have a choice. The King and the Queen were dead. Their son too. The only one left was their daughter. The day of the coronation. She would finally take what was rightfully hers. The throne. The crown. The kingdom. "A woman can't lead. A kingdom needs a King". Oh my, how stupid could they be. But it's okay. She got what she deserved. She got a little blood on her hands, but it was for her people. They deserved a better ruler. And that ruler was her. She was walking to the coronation with a smile. Her maids and guards following behind her. She watched as people bowed down to her. Her smile never fading. "Bow down to the Queen". Finally. They bowed down to her. Not as a princess but as a Queen. Their Queen. The rightful Queen.

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