The ScareHouse | Teen Ink

The ScareHouse

May 4, 2021
By Anonymous

I’m Katy, and let me tell you about my very crazy spring break. I know you are not going to believe me… but I swear on my life it happened! 

It all started when me and two friends were walking home from school. We were very excited because we had a whole week from school to do whatever we wanted. However, as we were walking home, we passed the “ScareHouse.” Me and my friends call it the “ScareHouse” because this house is VERY creepy.  It’s so bad that we try to stay as very far from it as possible. Today was different though. Today, as we walked past the ScareHouse, we heard a strange noise: “whoosh.” It sounded like wind, but it wasn’t windy and it was coming from INSIDE the house. 

“Guys… did you hear that?” I screamed in fright.

“Let’s go check it out,” Emma said with excitement.

“Are you dumb? Or are you ultra dumb?” Claire asked Emma. 

“Emma are you crazy?” I asked with pure confusion. 

As we stood there, arguing with Emma the noise changed. All we heard was a soft “meow.” We turned around and we realized that it was just a cute cat. We admired it and just as soon as we were going to walk away, the cat morphed into this hideous form and made a horrible “screeeeeech.” After that, we ran as fast as we could to my house. 

“What the hell was that?!” Screamed Claire.

“How should I know?!” I yelled back.

“I can’t believe you wanted to check out that freakshow, Emma!” Claire screamed.

“Guys now is not the time to start arguing! We need to figure out where the hell that thing came from” I said.

“I’m not going anywhere near that thing” said Claire.

I understood that this was going nowhere, so we decided to do some research. I found a website named “” on my laptop. I clicked on it and typed in my city. The address of the scare house was the first thing to pop up. I nervously clicked on “1023 Westward ave. As I was reading the article, nothing but terror flew through my veins. Claire and Emma instantly saw my face and almost instantaneously ran for my laptop. The same exact look swept over their faces, confirming what I read to be true.

As we stood there still in complete shock, we started contemplating on what we should do. 

“We need to go to the police!” cried Emma.

“That’s a great idea! Then they will send us to a mental facility and get called crazy by everyone we know.” Claire said annoyed. 

“What are supposed to then? Huh? I don’t see you coming up with any ideas.” Emma angrily responded. 

“Well at least I’m not coming up with any bad ones either.” Claire said 

“STOP IT” I said frustrated. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. We all read that article. We all saw that we have 24 hours before those freakshows completely invade Earth and destroy life as we know it. Now we have to do something before us and all of our loved ones DIE.”

They seemed to be okay with that plan and we discussed our next move. We did more research to see what exactly we are up against. They are ghosts that come through a portal every 1000 years. Their main goal is to invade Earth and take the souls of every living thing and make them bend to their will. It is very painful and it lasts an eternity. 1000 years ago there were three men who fought the ghosts, but died in the process. 

“We have to be the ones to stop the ghosts! Think about it, we’ve done the research and as far as I know, no one else knows about the portal.” I explained. 

“We are getting way too ahead of ourselves. I mean, we do not even know how to stop these things and did you forget that the last three MEN who defeated these ghosts DIED.” Claire said while rolling her eyes. 

“Yeah, but look right here” I said while pointing to my laptop. “It says right here that the one and only way to stop the invasion is by closing the portal.”

“How in the world are we going to CLOSE A PORTAL, KATY?” yelled Claire. 

“Guys, remember the guys died from the mission because they had to sacrifice themselves and close the portal from the inside.” described Emma. “Think about it, they did not have the same technology as we do now. I’m pretty sure all we have to do is go to the portal and use a vacuum to suck it up and destroy it.” 

Claire and I looked at each other in complete disbelief.

“That is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say since I met you.” said Claire.

“Oh shut up,” laughed Emma. 

“Okay, this seems very simple. Go in the house, use the vacuum to suck up the portal, and destroy the vacuum.” I explained. “Oh yeah and maybe try not to die.”

They seemed to be okay with that idea and we headed out to the scare house.

As we approached the scare house, I noticed that it was a lot darker than usual. Like it had a protective aura around it. 

“Alright guys, what’s the game plan?” Claire asked. 

“So, Emma has the vacuum so she’s going to be the one to suck up the portal. Claire and I-” 

A weird noise interrupted me. I couldn’t make out the sound but it was very repetitive and fast, like a bad pop song. It was also very chilling and abnormal. It was getting louder and louder. Emma screamed and Claire and I immediately “shushed” her.

The chilling and dire noise we were so scared by, was a dripping sound. “Drip, drip, drip” We all were instantly freaked out, however, we tried our best to ignore it and thought about the billions of people we would save. 

We were extremely nervous about how we were going to go about this. We had no game plan, limited knowledge and we were scared that we were going to die. We walked closer and closer to the front door. We finally made it to the front porch and were immediately greeted by the most terrifying creature. It looked so disfigured and deformed. The eyes looked like they were the ears should be and it had TWO HEADS. Emma immediately took out her vacuum and sucked it in there.  

“It worked!” she said with glee. 

“This is going to be a long night,” I responded. 

We were going through all of this and we haven’t even entered the house yet.

“Let’s get this over with,” Claire said annoyed. 

We finally went inside the house and started searching As we were searching the house we heard a loud “boom.” We all screamed and quickly regrouped. 

“What are we going to do?” whispered Emma

“We are going to kill this thing and get it out of our dimension,” I whispered back. 

Just as soon we were back on the same page, the most terrifying ghost came around the corner and swept both Claire and Emma up and flew them away. I was so confused about where it was taking them, so I quickly ran off behind it. After a few turns I saw the portal! It was taking my friends in there! I quickly ran in front of them and grabbed the vacuum. 

As I reached the portal, a gust of wind blew towards me and I “gasped.” I turned the vacuum on and sucked up the ghosts. “Vroom, vroom, vroom.” 

Then I quickly sucked up the portal and I remember it looking like fireworks. I even heard a popping sound. “Pop, pop, pop.” I stood there sucking up the portal for about 10 minutes. 

When I was certain that it was finished I put the cap on the vacuum and ran very fast to the back yard. I poured gasoline on it and quickly lit up a match and the vacuum blew up. It was the most beautiful and scary explosion I’ve ever seen. There were orange, red, and black sparks everywhere. You could see the ghosts burning and screeching in agony. I even kicked it to make sure it was truly destroyed. Claire and Emma quickly followed behind me and looked at me.

“Did we just save the world?!” Emma asked excitedly.

“I think we did,” I said hesitantly.  

As we were walking back to my house, Claire was talking to herself and nodding her head. She then started crying, really hard. Me and Emma looked at each other and then I finally worked up the courage to talk to her. 

“What wrong, Claire? I asked. 

“I feel cold…” she replied. 

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