Fractured fairy tail | Teen Ink

Fractured fairy tail

May 12, 2021
By Samstuckeyy BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Samstuckeyy BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Three Little Pigs and wolf

Once upon a time there were these three little pigs who lived with their super strict pig parents. The parents never let the little pigs do anything they wanted to do. When the pigs got older they wanted more for themselves and they ran away to pursue a more adventurous life. They had no idea where they were going to go,they just wanted to get out and be on their own.  One night the three pigs gathered all their stuff and decided to head off on their journey to find a new home.

The three little pigs loved each other very much but they were all very different. One pig was very lazy and unmotivated.  One of the other pigs is somewhat lazy but nothing like the first pig. The last pig was the leader of the three, he was very hardworking.  The pigs start wandering around in the woods trying to find a nice open piece of land to build their homes. They have been walking for days on days until they stumble across the perfect piece of land. This piece of land was very open, had a big body of water nearby, there was an apple tree, and they were gonna be by themselves. The three pigs decided to start looking for all of the materials that they need to build their 3 houses. 

All the pigs went out on their own for materials for the houses. The super lazy pig returned very shortly with straw to build his house even though it wasn't that strong it will do the job for him. The somewhat lazy pig made his home out of sticks which was a better idea than the pig that made it out of straw. The very hardworking pig put the most thought into his home and decided that he was going to make it out of brick. As the night time approached the pigs began to get scared and tired. They didn’t get anywhere close to finishing their homes, so they had to suffer through the night. The next day the two lazy pigs woke up to the hardworking one finishing his house made out of bricks. The hardworking pig was also very nice and let the other two pigs stay in the brick house. Those two pigs were very thankful and happy they didn’t have to do anywork.

The next day the pigs woke up to a very loud noise outside of their home. They all woke up and looked at each other with confusion and asked each other “ What's that noise?”.  The pigs all rush out of the house to see that there's a wolf destroying the brick house that the pig worked so hard on. The pig that built it shouted out with anger “What the heck are you doing!?”. The wolf says back “ You are on my property, what're you doing?”. The pig then sits the wolf down and explains to him all they have been through. After the pig finishes telling him about their struggles the wolf then starts to feel sorry for all the little pigs.

The wolf confesses to the pigs that he also had strict parents growing up so he can totally relate to how they feel. With the wolf feeling bad he decided that he is going to help them build the best house and he is going to allow them to keep on using his land. The next day they start with the houses for the pigs. In the meantime the pigs are allowed to stay in the same house as the wolf since he lives all alone, he has a house with plenty of space for the pigs.

After a couple months of them building the house and putting in a lot of hardwork the big house for the pigs is finally done. The pigs are super happy that they finally get to live on their own after all this time. The wolf is also happy since he now has friends and neighbors because he was honestly getting a little lonely being on all that land by himself. As time passes the wolf and pig get closer as friends, and live their lives happily ever after.

The author's comments:

This is a runoff of the three little pigs.

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