The Pigs Revenge | Teen Ink

The Pigs Revenge

May 13, 2021
By JustinPiland1 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
JustinPiland1 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once Upon A Time In a village far far away, there were 3 little piggies and a big bad wolf. You see, a few days ago the big bad wolf tried to eat all 3 of the pigs, and in the process destroyed 2 of the pigs houses. The 3 little piggies were mad at the wolf and were seeking to get revenge.And so our story starts with the 3 little pigs in their now one shared brick house.

“I can't wait till we see that big bad wolf again, because when we do, I'm gonna hurt him” said straw piggie

“I'm right with you, if I see that monster I'm gonna do some damage to him” said the mud piggie.

“Piggies Piggies, calm down, first we have to find the wolf, and then we can think of what we're gonna do, we have to be classy. We can't just go all ballistic on him out of the box or he’ll sue us” said brick piggie

“Sue us? Yea right, if anything we should be suing him, he's the one that destroyed our house for goodness sake” said straw piggie.

“Look, look, look, we're gonna go to town today. And when we go to town today, we're most likely  gonna see the big bad wolf. And if we do, don't do anything hasty. I'm talking to you straw piggie.” said brick piggie.

“Alright, alright, I promise I wont do anything to hasty, now let's go into town” said the straw piggie

And so our 3 little piggies went to town, in search of the big bad wolf. Upon arriving in the town they saw him sitting on a bench outside a park enjoying the nice summer day.

“Guys, guys, look! There he is, the big bad wolf!” said the mud piggie loudly

“Oh, he has some nerve, I'm gonna-” said the straw piggie as he rushed towards the big bad wolf.

“ Hey, hold on now straw piggie!” said brick piggie worridley

But it was too late, straw piggie had already marched towards the big bad wolf and started confronting him.

“Oh my, what is all this about, can't you see i'm trying to enjoy my nice summer day.” said the wolf

“Guess what pall, we were just trying to enjoy our day too, when you decided you were hungry and blew down our houses to try to eat us!” exclaimed straw piggie

“Oh,why can't we just settle this this like gentlemen”

“May I propose a boxing match?” said brick piggie

“Ah, yes a boxing match, that should settle it.” said the wolf calmly

“Alright you versus us 3 tonight, first one to get knocked out loses.” said mud piggie

“Mmm, i'll see you tonight then, say 7:00Pm right here”

“It's a settled  then, well see you tonight” said the brick piggie

And so our piggies trained and trained and trained for the rest of the day, preparing for battle against the big bad wolf. The wolf did the same but wasn't worried in the slightest. Once night rolled around the piggies and the wolf gathered back in the park where they had agreed to meet. Word had spread around the town about their fight and there was a huge crowd gathered at the park ready to see them box. 

“You showed up, I'm surprised you didn't wussy out” said the straw pig

“Of course I showed up, how could I pass up on dinner for tonight” said the wolf

The mud piggie gulped “uhhh, guys are you sure we  want to do this” said the mud piggie

“Of course we do! let's box! “Screamed the brick piggie

And so our 3 little piggies fought and fought and fought, as the crowd chants grew louder and louder. It was clear from the beginning that the wolf stood no chance against all 3 of them at once. With the power of teamwork you can accomplish anything.And after 2 minutes of fighting the wolf was down on the green grass of the park. The 3 little pigs and the crowd cheered in excitement and they danced and celebrated. 

The End

The author's comments:

This is a fractured fairy tale about the big bad wolf and the 3 little piggies.

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