Dancing Star | Teen Ink

Dancing Star

July 15, 2021
By Ayusman_Rishi BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
Ayusman_Rishi BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dancing Star

by Ayusman Rishi Baul

The start of this story is pretty different, every story ever has a girl and a boy, but in this story it’s a star and a kid. A pretty normal day for Eret going to school, getting beaten up , Eret finishes class and heads towards his house but gets hungry he decides to go to pizza king, eats, drinks, realizes it's already 6 in the evening.

Eret: frick I am late it's already 6, I am so grounded today

Fading Voice:  H-LP M..E

Eret fricks out for his life at the same time interested. He saw no one until he looked up. A star - it was dancing and screaming HELP I CAN’T STOP DANCING, YOU NEED TO TOUCH ME, IN ORDER FOR ME TO BREAK FREE F-OM THIs curse I need human touch, just touch me.

Eret didn’t think twice and gave that star a poke. As soon as the star felt the poke, the tiny star split into two small things, one was a star the other was a small heart. Eret didn’t waste time he went home to his room, locked his doors and placed those mysterious substances. Suddenly Eret felt something and went into shock- it was a heartbeat. It wasn’t his that’s for sure. It was the star’s heart.

While being in a state of shock he discovered, if you put the star and the heart together it goes back to a state of dancing. Eret named the process of putting the star and the heart back in there place “Revival of the Star'' but what he didn’t know was, once he revived the star he can’t split it in half, the process was also named by Eret The Diviser, He needs another Human that he can trust which was hard because he didn’t really had any close friends, well that’s not true every hero has a close friend, well Eret’s close friend was Benjji. Eret ran to Benjji’s house, knocked on the door multiple time and:
Benjji opens door

Benjji: WHO IS THI- ohh Eret init, how are you mate? Long time no see.

Eret breaths heavily..

Eret: ok look there is a living star which dances, pretty much can split it in two if it gets near human touch, so touch her or poke.

The Diviser happens…
Benjji is pretty much unconscious but standing pretty cool. Now that Eret doesn’t need to worry about something, then it hits him - what was he even worrying about. As Eret stood there is shock thinking what has he done this past day of his life, the star said something what did it say Eret listens carefully and the star said: there is more of us….. more than the star stopped suddenly The only thing Eret was thinking was more of- wait I didn’t name the star hmm, I should name it the Dancing Star.

Benjji: Umm what if you just let it be and not name it, what even is this DO YOU EVEN KNOW? It could be alien that you are reviving like jus-

Eret: I know but it’s just on my mind I can’t stop thinking about it, it’s just so beautiful isn’t it?

Benjji: never thought of it like that… its-

Eret accidently held the star and the heart together and you guessed it, suddenly the revival happened.
Eret and Benjji's eyes went yellow for a second and it turned back in it’s original form. What is this dancing star? Does it plan to destroy humanity or…

Rest of the story in Stars in the sky…. 

The author's comments:

The current story is about a star and two boys. it is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Stay tuned for the second part of the story.

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