The disappearance | Teen Ink

The disappearance

October 6, 2021
By jm0297369 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
jm0297369 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I open my eyes something strange, no sound, no movement, pure silence and darkness. Sarah got out of bed guiding herself by touch. Soon, as the sun rises, lighting Sarah’s house. Sarah walks into the living room but sees no single soul, emptiness, she quickly runs into her parents room her face goes pale.The room was empty. She closed her eyes as hard as she could trying to wake up but she was only trying to make herself believe the truth was a dream, her heart skipped a beat. Sarah grabbed her phone and called her parents, but no answer. She tried and tried again and again but still no answer. She called the neighbors, aunts, and uncles but no one responded. She then decides to go to her friend's house. Emely, who has been  her friend since they were four. When she got to the house the door was open she walked in calling for Emely but the only one in the house was herself.

 Sarah didn't know what to do at this point she felt lost in her own neighborhood and abandoned by her own parents. In desperation she ran outside as fast as she could without any destination and suddenly someone screamed her name. She turned around and saw Anthony standinding with a relieved face. Anthony was an old friend of Sarah. Sarah remembers Anthony not in the best way, he was manipulative and lied most of the time. He told her that everyone had disappeared and it was only her and him. Sarah was still confused and asked him how he was so sure that everyone had disappeared. Anthony looked at her and told Sarah to take a look around. Sarah felt devastated; she had so many questions but words could not come out, Anthony told her that the best option for them was to stay together.

Sarah went inside Anthony’s house. She could not believe that only Anthony and her were the only ones, there was no possible way they were the only ones. She didn't want to stay seated, she wanted answers and she knew that the only way to get answers was to get out of the house and find them. She told Anthony but he didn't agree with her, he wanted to stay. Sarah insisted. He then started acting agreessive, he was yelling at her to not leave because  no one was going to help her like they didn't help him.Sarah looked at him disoriented. Anthony quickly continued talking but Sarah stopped him. She looked at him in the eyes but he would avoid making contact with her. Then she asked him why he lied to her. Anthony went numb, he turned around and put his hands over her face. Irritated, Sarah asked him where the others were, but he didn't respond. Sharah asked again but this time she was furious, Anthony said that they left him alone. He told her that they wanted to take his food and everything he had. He didn't let them into his house because they wanted to hurt him. He explained to Sarah that they were yelling at him like animals and they tried to break the door. For Sarah Anthony’s words felt like a stab in the back. She knew he was lying again.

Because Sarah quickly got up and walked to the door, Anthony grabbed her harn and said that she would be crazy if she left. Sarah looked at him with disappointment and she walked out the house. She was even more confused than ever; she didn’t know what was real or fake of what Anthony had told her. She went back from where she started and grabbed a backpack and filled it with food and clothes. Before she left, she took a last look at her house, the birthdays, the holidays, the memories presented in every corner of the house. It was hard for her to think that that might be the last time she would see her house. She stepped outside and locked the door because she remembered the voice of her mom telling her to lock the door. 

She walked and walked before the sun vanished and the moon materialised. As she walked she heard the sound of steps, and every time she would take a step more the sound would get closer to her. Silhouettes started to appear in the road as she got closer. Those silhouettes started to get color and movements. She ran towards them and there it was. Teens and kids helping each other, strangers being family. Suddenly Shara felt a tap in her shoulder, it was Emely.

The author's comments:

This piece is about what would happend is adults dissapear, my story is about a girl waking up and realizing that she is alone. She additionaly finds an old friend but he was not actualy a friend.

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