Disconnected | Teen Ink


October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

It’s in the middle of summer and it’s been 3 weeks since the anomaly disabled all electronic devices in the world, and Abraham who’s a sixteen year old teenager living in Brownsville a small town in south Texas. Abraham and three of his other friends, usually get together at galaxia park and  talk about what’s been going since the anomaly. Abraham is like the American president Abraham Lincoln, a natural leader who keeps his friends together. Abraham and his three friends are talking about how life is so different now.

            Judith being the oldest was complaining about how she lost her Instagram account, and how everyone around the house is cranky because they got nothing to do. Nikolas, the youngest is a bit distressed, because his father hasn’t been home in a couple of days. So he’s been fidgeting with some of the electronic devices he’s got at home and usually he’s very good with electronics but he just can’t figure out what fried the devices or what part of them are even fried. Elizabeth the second youngest has been looking around the city for any supplies that might be useful for her or her family. When all four friends we’re talking at the park the anomaly suddenly started flickering it’s light covering the sky with a dark blue light making a roaring sound that startled all of them. The sound was so loud that Elizabeth couldn’t even hear herself screaming Abraham got up and waved at them to follow him.

            Abraham and his friends ran for about two blocks to Abraham’s house once they got there Abraham’s mom and younger sister were taking cover under the table. Abraham and his friends quickly covered all the windows with what they could,  and also hid under the table. The sounds made by the anomaly lasted for about five minutes before the sound started receding.           After that Abraham slowly started getting out from under the table he stood up and walked towards the window in the living room and through all the chairs and boxes put up to barricade the window he peeked and saw nothing but the bright light of the anomaly still pulsating like a beating heart. Slowly flying up In the sky to the spot it’s been for the last week and half Abraham was both flabbergasted and petrified he didn’t know what to think of it he had never seen the anomaly that up close. After a couple of minutes everybody had already settled down and took in what just had happened. They started cleaning up everything when a big boom happened the whole house was shaking as if an earthquake was happening shattering all the windows in the house Abraham was holding on to his mom and Elizabeth and Nikolas was holding onto Judith moments later the house roof collapsed and instantly killing Judith while Nikolas leg was stuck under a steel beam. Abraham on the other hand had been hit by some planks wood but was ok, however his mom was caught under a big piece of concrete. She wasn’t injured or anything but she was having breathing

            She was asphyxiating,  Abraham quickly tried getting her out of there but the piece of concrete just wouldn’t budge, so Abraham quickly looked around for anything he could use and saw a steel rod on the other side of the house he looked down to his mom and she was passing out so he ran through the rubble and pulled the steel rod out of a piece of wood and held it like a sword. He then ran towards his mother put the steel rod in between the rock and her and pushed up to roll the piece of concrete away from her after that Abraham quickly tried performing CPR crying out for her to wake up. Moments later she woke up coughing Abraham was so focused on his mother that he forgot about Nikolas, but Elizabeth had already helped him out then they saw what had happened to Judith Elizabeth and Nikolas started crying. Abraham looked up to the sky and saw that the anomaly was gone it wasn’t covering the sky with it’s dark blue light Nikolas then heard his phone ringing and they all just stared at each other not knowing whether to be happy or sad. Nikolas then answered the phone and it was his mom asking where he was and well he left immediately Elizabeth then ran home but Abraham picked up his phone to call Judith parents and tell them what happened, but even then Abraham knew that the crisis was over the anomaly was gone but it took of his best friends with him and his house.

The author's comments:

i was watching a show called the 100 and there was this anomaly there that would interfere with radio comunications, so i wrote my story with an anomaly in it but with my own twist to it.

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