Overpopulation | Teen Ink


October 12, 2021
By Anonymous

In the year 2049, almost 30 years after a worldwide pandemic, everyone was safe, immune, and healthy.

People were happy now that they didn’t have to worry about getting sick, the only downside was that there were too many people in the world and there wasn’t enough space for everyone. Resources were being limited by the government in order for them not to run out.

It all started as a regular day 3 girls named Skylar, Anna and Sofia were walking on the street, when suddenly they came across an abandoned building. Curiosity got the better of them and deciding to go in and explore they noticed that it was an abandoned hospital. Abruptly when they found themselves inside an old operating room Skylar collapsed.

Anna and Sofia were startled, this had never happened before. The girls rushed toward Skylar and tried to wake her up but nothing was working. The silence was deafening, all you could hear were the girl’s ear-piercing sobs. After dragging her outside, Anna and Sofia decided to call Skylar’s parents William and Astrid. When they got there and saw Skylar passed out, they rushed out of their car and bolted towards where their daughter was. Pale,fragile, and on the verge of death, they looked at their daughter feeling like their heart had been ripped out.

Grief is like being a walking dead zombie, that’s what William and Astrid were feeling at this moment. They knew what was wrong with their daughter, keeping this secret was tearing them apart. Skylar suffered from a heart defect, they had lost all hope and thought that she wasn’t going to wake up anymore. When all of the sudden Skylar opened her eyes. 

The author's comments:

Something that inspired me to write this story was that it was an assignment for school and I had to write it in order for me to get a good grade.

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