The Unknown Door | Teen Ink

The Unknown Door

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

On a hot summer day Scott, Issac, and Camile were driving back home from the beach. Issac notices smoke coming from the hood of the car. The car starts slowing down, then stops. “Guys! The car overheated!” Issac screams in panic. “The car needs a cold shower” Scott suggests.

“Looks like we’ll be walking in the sun”, Camile says . The sharp, hot rays of the sun hit the concrete cement as they walk down the street.

 The group notices someone yelling from an abandoned apartment building. The group of friends go inside to investigate. “This is the last door in the building,” Scott says.  They have found no one in the building so far . This door has yellow caution tape and old rusty chains. Signs read “Keep Out”. Scott suddenly breaks the chains. Whenever Scott broke the chains, Camile got a chill down her spine.

“Come on, let's go in”, Scott says .

“Wait”, Camile shivers.

The boys walk into the room as Camille follows behind. They hear a loud ticking sound and notice a bright light and loud thunder.

“I don’t remember it raining”, Scott says with confusion. 

The group looks outside the apartment window. It’s raining… UPSIDE DOWN!

“Who are you?” says the startled guy in the apartment.

“Woah, hey I’m Scott and these are my friends Issac and Camile”, Scott introduces.

“I’m Theo and how did y'all get here?”, he asks.

“We may have teleported here”, Camile says

“Where are we?”, asks Scott

“You are on Jupiter”, Theo answers

Issac sees a white light as he crashes to the floor..

“I think we need a moment”, Scott says.

30 minutes later. Issac wakes up and starts listening to Theo. 

“I was born here but it gets lonely despite all of the cool adventures you can go on. My family passed away from a sickness that the martians brought among us.  Jupiter is nothing like Earth. The Martians are the Gods of Jupiter. Although we have many species, the martians are the ones you should watch out for. I wish I had friends here like you guys… Theo says desperately.

“ I was going to say that I had a crazy dream but I think it may be real”, Issac says as he rubs his hands over his eyes. The group notices Issac is finally awake.

“Now that he’s awake, wanna look around?” Theo asks.

The group goes out to the street and sees floating cars, people teleporting, humans talking to martians and they also see 79 moons in the sky. “This is not happening. I want to go back home,” Camile cries.

Frightened Scott asks, “ Theo, how do we get back home?” 

Theo answers, “Well how did you get here in the first place?”

“Well, we just walked into the room”, Camile says

“Well, I guess you're stuck here with me”, Theo says with a creepy smile.

Scott, Issac, and Camile run back to the apartment leaving Theo behind, they break down the apartment door in panic and start to hear a ticking sound. The group shift their heads to the clock then to the window. Once again they see a bright flashing light and a loud bang.

“It’s not raining anymore”, Scott says

The friends look out the window. No martians and no flying cars. Scott turns around and sees a dark, empty, dusty apartment.

“Guys we’re back home” Scott says in relief.

The group walks out of the building and goes to their car in the dark.

“Should we talk about what just happened?” Issac questions.

The friends look at each other in fear, but say nothing. Scott, Issac, and Camile get in the car. Scott turns the key and thankfully it starts.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I found it interesting to write about life on another planet.

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