October 18, 2021
By Anonymous

One day, during lunchtime, Chat got woken up by his owner. Being lazier than a sloth, he told his owner “go away, I'm trying to sleep…” but to his surprise, his owner let out a terrifying scream making him jump on his paws. Disoriented from sleep, Chat asked, “Why are you screaming?”

Realization hit him like a rock when he noticed that his question didn’t come out as a meow. He took steps back, flabbergasted while his owner stood unmoving with a shocked face. Chat ran for the emergency stairs and stuck his paw through the small opening of his friend's window. “Mag. Mag!....MA-” Mag walked towards the window and opened it as soon as he saw his face.

“What’s going on? Why do you look like you saw a ghost?”

”WE CAN TALK!” Chat said.

Mag looked concerned “We’ve always been able to talk”

Chat started pacing around in awe as Babble flew in through the window. “What’s wrong with THIS guy?” she said.

Mag tilted his head causing his ears to flop. “I don’t know, he keeps repeating that we can talk.”

Babble chirped “we’ve always been able to talk, what is he on about? I think he didn’t get his afternoon nap wh-”

Chat interrupted babble from continuing her ramble “HUMANS UNDERSTAND US NOW!”

Mag’s jaw dropped.

A couple of hours later after calming chat down they started planning what to do with their new discovery. “I think we should tell our owners to give us better food, the current one is getting...old bleh.” said Babble with a face of disgust.

“You know what, that wouldn't be a bad idea; we should also tell them to get us better toys!” Exclaimed Mag but Chat kept shaking his head.

“No...No, we should tell them to give us better lives. They should give us an opinion... You know how many times I've had to take a shower when I was already clean!” Mag shudders while Babble chirps, “I actually like showers.”

Chat looks at her with a glare “That not the point, the point is that we should be able to decide for ourselves. we should be able to have a voice!” Around the corner, Mag’s owner stood eavesdropping and when he heard of their plan, he walked out to confront them.

“What do you mean a better life?” All three of the pets let out a sound of surprise. Chat hissed and puffed up his fur.

“You heard me human.”

With a downcast look, Mag's owner overlooked the pets. “But don’t you all like the lives you have now? I mean from what I know, we try to make you feel comfortable and we try to make your life as enjoyable as possible.” Mag lets his ears fall and Babble hides in between his fur.

Being the only stubborn one, Chat stares at Mag’s owner with a look of distaste. “I don’t like to be told what to do nor do I like taking showers.” Chat dashed out the window like a cheetah

“CHAT!!” Yell the owner, Mag and Babble. Chat started his adventure of making his voice be heard.

The author's comments:

This piece is about when a cat and his friends find out they can speak to humans. After this shocking discovery, Chat, the main character decides its the perfect opportunity for him and other animals to have an opinion in this society.

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