Beyond the Ocean | Teen Ink

Beyond the Ocean

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

What if the ocean water was all gone for a month? If the ocean was gone the people would start panicking and the earth would die slowly. The title is “Beyond the Ocean ''. The name of the protagonist is Arctic. The character’s name is Hinami, Kairi, Aqua, Cari. It’s been two days since the water disappeared. Some people are in panic and are fighting to save water. Arctic is asking where the water could have gone to Aqua. Arctic and Aqua have been close friends for over ten years, both are sixteen-year-old. They both want to find where the ocean water could have possibly gone to. The two of them could have found someone who knows where the water could have gone. The person’s name is Cari and is said to know where the water went to or what could have happened to it. Cari said that the government took the water to lower the human population so the earth can live. Government thinks the earth is overpopulated and that only the wise people should live and the people that are not wise and caring of the earth should perish. Arctic is disgusted that the government was behind the ocean. Now that they got the information, they need Arctic and Aqua to put their plan in motion. The government has high defense and fire power, but they know someone who can infiltrate the government base. A friend named Hinami is an ex-military and worked in the government and knows some secret place to enter the government base. When inside the government base there is a tank that is holding all the water and to open it Arctic has to blow it up. After the explosion of the tank the water should get realis into the dry land and store the ocean back to what it was once before and save the people who are dying from water. The story will continue in the next chapter.

The author's comments:

I asked myself what would happen if the ocean was gone.

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