The Clock is Ticking | Teen Ink

The Clock is Ticking

December 15, 2021
By grace_kruzel BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
grace_kruzel BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ding Dong

My doorbell rings. A glance at the clock tells me that it is currently 8:03 am.

Am I expecting anybody? I think to myself as I walk towards the door. I open the door to find…

A package.

“Yes!” I exclaim out loud. This is the best part of my day. I swear I am the best gift-giver, especially to myself.


A few years ago Amazon, the online shopping forum not the forest, invented - or discovered?- time travel. Cool, right? However, they haven’t quite figured out how to send people back and forth through time so they can only send packages for now. But this allows for you to send yourself gifts (YAYAY) back before you needed them. Most people send things like study guides, for tests that they failed, or books that they heard references to. However, I use it mostly for food (more like candy) or clothing that I wish I had been able to wear.


Picking up the box I bring it inside and close the door behind me. I quickly place it down on my table and rip the top seam open.

What could it be?

Paper...paper paper… paper… ooh a…


I freeze. 

I’ve never even seen a gun before, much less had to use one.

I slam the top of the box back closed.

Why would I send myself a gun?

Maybe it’s just a joke

Yeah, it has to be a joke.

I look back at the clock 8:11.

God, I’ve got to go. I’ve spent almost 10 minutes staring at a gun in a box. I’ve got to go to work.

I quickly place the box in the back of my closet, carefully placing a jacket over it.

Should I really leave it?

What else am I going to do with it? Carry it with me.

Or just stay home, obviously you need a gun for something.

I slowly back away my mind is racing with the scenarios of which I could need, want, a gun.



I race out the door to start toward my car. I lock my apartment door behind me and-

“Hey Delilah!” I jump and turn around. “Woah. Chill out, it’s just me.”At the same time, Devin, my neighbor, is walking out of his apartment.

“I’m sorry.” I breathe a huge sigh of relief and shake my head. “I’m just a little jumpy today. Too much caffeine.” I say laughing.

“Of course.” Devin starts to walk closer to me. As he gets closer his smile turns sinister and his body language turns cold. 

I run past him and down the stairs out of my apartment complex. 

“Okay… Have a good day?”

I get to my car, jump in and immediately lock the door behind me. I take a breath and drive to work.

When I arrive, I park and close my eyes. Working to slow my heart rate and clear my mind.

It’s all in your head it’s all in your head it’s all in your-



So much for slowing my heart rate

Marie is smiling at my window gesturing for me to roll down the window. So I do.

“Hey Delilah”

“Hey, Marie” I try to smile but I’m not sure it came across as convincing.

“Didn’t mean to scare ya, just wanted to let you know that your left brake light is out.” Marie says with a little laugh in her voice.

“Thank you, Marie.”

“Of course… wouldn’t want you to get...hurt.” Marie smiles wide, maybe a little too wide, and sticks eye contact. We are both locked in a stare and I can feel my heart rate picking back up.

“Anyways, I’ll see you inside.” Marie waves and walks away.

I’m going insane.

I’m actually going insane.

No one is trying to kill you.

I look around and see, well… Everyone.

A man walking his dog.

A woman on her phone.

Two friends laughing.

Everyone is looking at me. They are all focused on me.

Everyone is trying to kill you.

I put my car back into drive and drive home. Trying to ignore that hundreds of people trying to hit me or trying to get me to stop. Ignoring all the killers.

I run back up to my apartment and unlock the door, jumping through the door and slamming it behind me. I turn the lock and quickly run around locking windows and closing blinds. I run into my bedroom and open the closet doors. I uncover the box and look at the gun. I pause.


I jump into the closet and close the door behind, plunging myself into complete darkness.


I pull the gun from the box and hold it to my chest.


My heart is racing, My head is pounding, I can’t think straight. My entire body is shaking and I can feel tears streaming down my face.


The author's comments:

My name is Grace and I just recently turned 18. I wrote this piece at a point in time when I was having to make a lot of choices that would impact the rest of my life. So I asked myself what I would do if I knew the future if I had tools to help me make decisions. This story is about paranoia and my personal fear of the future. It reinforces the belief that knowing the future needs to remain unknown.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 5 2022 at 9:07 am
Maryam---مريم SILVER, Glasgow, Other
7 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Aren’t all these notes the senseless writhings of a man who won’t accept the fact that there is nothing we can do with suffering except to suffer it?" - C. S. Lewis

This is a really interesting concept! Your story was really fun to read, with really captivating writing. <33