Cornball | Teen Ink


May 2, 2022
By JTiltTheStilt BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
JTiltTheStilt BRONZE, Evansville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This story takes place in an unknown area of open fields and plains. Our Character Cornelius “Cornball” Johnson lives in a hut on this field of flowers.

As the sun sets and emits a red glow the same hue of the field of poppies it sets on, Cornelius is preparing dinner. The air around the oven thickens and the aroma emitting off the meatloaf fills the air. 

“Mmmhhh. I really do treat myself well.” Cornelius exclaimed as he whaffed  the sweet smell.  

He prepared his plate and sat down at the dinner table. As he grabbed his fork and prepared to take a bite he heard a knock on the door. 

“Ugh, who’s all the way out here?” He questioned.

 He walked to the door and opened it and was greeted by a traveler. He was a older looking man with a short white beard. He reminded him of Chuck Norris from the way he dresses to the beard, only difference was his was white.

“Hello there, my name is Eugeine.”

“Hey, I’m Cornelius but you can call me Cornball. How can I help you?”

“Well I needed a place to crash for the night because I can't be out when it gets dark.”

“Oh ok… I got a spare room with a cot you can sleep on.”

“Well thank you kindly.” the stranger says.

Eugeine walks in and hangs his coat on the hanger next to the door and heads to the spare bedroom with his pillow and backpack.

Cornelius walks to his room and knocks on the door.

“I’ve got some meatloaf in here if your hungry. You’re more than welcome to join me for dinner.” he stated.

“I appreciate it but I really should get to bed its getting dark soon.”

“It’s still early, why do you have to go to bed so soon?” Cornelius asked.

“Oh its nothin’, I just sleep walk a bit when it gets dark and this here pillow I got helps me sleep so I aint all over the dang place.”

“Oh alright, well goodnight then.” Cornelius said as he closed the door and headed towards the kitchen to finish his food.

“About time, food almost got cold.” he said as he eagerly dug in to his plate.

The sun has set and as Cornball gets ready for bed he steps outside and smokes a cigarette while staring at the beautiful field of poppies that encompasses his little house. As he walks back inside and he walks down the hallway past the guest room and stops. He noticed the door is cracked open. As his curiosity gets the better of him he peers inside. The pillow is on the ground and as he cracks the door a little wider he sees his guest is no longer in the room.

Confused, he now opens the door and says his name.

“Eugeine…Eugeine?” he says as he is shaken by nothing but the echo of silence back.

“Your gonna make a nice sweater…”

Jarred by this Cornball turns and see Eugeine down the hall standing and smiling.

“What the hell is wrong with you.” Cornball shouted.

“Is this some kinda game because sleep walking doesn’t exactly describe this.” 

Shaken from no response after this question Cornelius immediately turns around and runs into the guest bedroom and locks the door. Fearful of what the intentions and motives of this man is he looks around for anything he can use as a weapon. He looks around the room and all he can find is blanket and a pillow. Without any real weapons or time, he grabs the pillow and stands to the side of the door. As he hears the deranged man make his way down the hall, he sits and waits for him to attempt to enter the room. The door isn’t very strong and knows he will soon be in the same room as him.

The author's comments:

This was a flash fiction story I had to write for class. I had 2 days to write it and my 3 subjects I had to include was a field of poppies, a pillow, and the catagory it belongs in was sci-fi.

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