In Deep Water | Teen Ink

In Deep Water

June 2, 2022
By Z-A BRONZE, Brussles, Other
Z-A BRONZE, Brussles, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dangling my feet into the freshwater, I feel the cold, clear-blue waves engulfing
them. When I am surrounded by nature my body feels alive. More than it does trapped
inside our safe houses which barely let the air in, let alone any scent or trace of anything.
But, they are there to protect us from the danger that engulfed the former world and now
lies outside our safe haven. Now, we have to give things up to be protected from the dark
storm waiting and writhing like a trapped animal around us, only we are the ones who are
trapped and it is trying to get to us. Its black clouds are always wrapping around our island,
trapping us, surrounding us. Every day I see the waves which are as tall as the empire state
building, or so people tell me. My hands press into the fresh soft dirt and the stems of the
plants brush against my bare arms, the leaves tickling my skin. I rub the goosebumps that
appeared on my arms and remind myself that I have to be careful. I try to remember I am
not supposed to be here and that I only have so much time here before I have to go back
up to the city. But, I keep wishing that I could stay out here in the calm nature for as long as
I want.
As I travel my eyes along the water, I can see the bright blue water foaming with
soft, white clouds and pouring into the ocean at the end. The water spreads wider and you
can see the sand and rocks below the surface. I sigh and watch as the waves calmly move
toward the grainy sand that looks so delicate that it is as if when you touch it it will crumble
away. I sit quietly and move my feet back and forth through the water. Every so often, I feel
them brushing up against a smooth stone and every time I feel as if I will suddenly be
pulled deep into the water. I look at the turquoise water and watch the translucent colors
shine up into the sky and dissolve into the nothingness that stops the natural beauty. That
dark raging storm that always encircles us on this island, with its navy waves roaring up
and down and swirling around with the dark grey clouds barely touching them. The mist
behind that makes it impossible to see anything and I itch to swim past the dark waves and
see what is waiting for me out there. But, I am stuck here, behind the ‘Edge’.
They tell little kids stories about the ‘Edge’ warning us about the dark danger around us.
They say it is the edge of where we can go. The edge of the world now. The waves rage up
and down like a burning fire. There is nothing past there except for the black that threatens
to engulf us like it did the rest of the world. I know this because I have been taught this
over and over. We have to be grateful. I sigh as I look up, preparing myself for the warnings.
The sky above my head is blue and white today, the clouds swirling around from shape to

Then I hear it. The warning that signifies the starting of the storm. It is a sound I love
and hate. The horn sound surprises me, as it does each time, making me wince as my ears
pop. The waves rage higher and louder outside of our clear ocean and then the world
starts to shake. I hear the screams and shouts of families, rushing to get away from the
water. The waves sound like crashing symbols and the black comes closer with a deafening
boom. I look at the darkening sky and stand up, preparing myself to head home. But not
today. Today the ocean bleeds into the dark storm again. Today, no one is here with me.
And today, despite the warnings, I wade deeper into the water.

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