Luna. | Teen Ink


July 1, 2022
By _fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
_fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After travelling through all those galaxies, I started to feel my feet go numb, I fell down back on my seat when I tried to get up. I tried to make my pain go away but it never went away. I was starting to get lonely as I clutched my pen and paper. I wish I could reverse the time before me, but I’m not sure that’s a thing. I saw all the stars shoot past me as if they were in a hurry for a meeting. I could tell that every time I saw a star shoot past me, I would get more motion sick. Space is full of silence and time, use that time wisely, you will be rewarded. I reclined my chair and found myself a comfortable place to sit and start writing my letter. Every minute felt like an hour, every hour felt like a day, every day felt like a week and every week was a month.

Whilst I wrote my letter, a shooting star fell from the sky, I thought it was normal but soon I realized that it was an asteroid, I had let my guard down, so at this moment I didn’t know what to do, I got hold of the steering and tried driving off but I knew that on my right there is a black hole approximately 100,000,000 feet away from me, but knowing how strong black holes are, one wrong turn and you will never come back.  In panic I just ducked under my control panel, which was a floating table controlled by two holograms. I covered my head and pulled my knees together.

There was a sudden boom and I felt unconscious, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and who I am. After a while I woke up, in a palace, The floor was made from glass and the thrones were swans. It gave the person the illusion that they were on the water with swans.

The queen and king that were sitting on the throne were wearing masks, so that they could cover their face from the impostor, who may be lurking in their darkest of depths, As I tried getting up, A girl ran towards me, She was wearing a white silky dress that touched the ground, her feet weren’t visible but I could tell she was wearing heels. As she reached out to grab my hand, I noticed that she had a ring. I could recognize that ring, but  I don’t know why. The ring had a amethyst which had the letter “L” engraved in it.

 She pulled me up to my feet as I dusted away the dirt from my body. “Pleasure to meet you,  Cecile” she said with a cozy smile. Her pearl white teeth got me distracted for a moment. “Pleasure to meet you too, Luna.” I said without thinking. Everyone at the palace had their jaws dropped and all of them gave my awkward face's. “excuse me but, have we met before.” Luna said hiding her hands behind her back. “i-it was just a Random guess.” I said. Luna was giving me déjà vu. Long dresses that touch the ground, Tall, friendly. “How do you know my name?” she gave me a frantic look. “ you just um, remind me of someone called Luna too, so I thought…erm… maybe i should just say  Luna,” I said looking totally flushed as I stared at my shoes which had dust all over them. “I just know, It’s creepy right! We both know each other’s name’s even though this is our first time meeting, but I know it isn’t our first time meeting, I have a slight feeling, that this isn’t our first time meeting.” Luna said quickly 

I looked up and pushed back my glasses which were about to fall off of my face. “Well, is it okay if I-“ I tried saying but got interrupted by the king. “Luna, we need to go talk to the girl, privately, sweetie, Is that okay.” He said while kissing Luna on the head and the sending her off. After the big crystal gates shut tightly the queen looked at me with an Evil grin “You have your mother’s features, always shy and making a fool of yourself.” The queen said hastily while looking for someone to start laughing at the girl. “You are truly the worst, like your family, Cecile Cloud, Pretty sure that’s why we removed our daughter from your school of freaks!” The king added while yelling across the room. Just then two guards came and poked their tridents at me. “Well, I’m not a freak, and I don’t know your daughter.” I said with lips almost sealed. Suddenly the glass floor shattered and I fell down into a dungeon. There was no sign of human life there, just dirt and a torch. I felt like I was going to stay in this lifeless dungeon forever. My feet felt number than before and I was feeling more homesick than ever.

Around by the second day I thought I was going to starve to death but by midnight, Luna walked in, She was wearing silky blue pajama’s and some short cowboy boots with tiny gems engraved into them. “How are you, Cecile.” She said while she pulled out a salad box from her pocket. “This was all that I had left, I hope it’s enough to help you to your feet again.” I tried thanking her but I didn’t have any energy left so I tried stuffing out some word’s from my mouth or she would think That I’m not grateful for the energy she provided. “Thank you…Looney…….”I said.” How do you know my nickname?” She replied with a confused face. “ I don’t know” “Well, Did you know Cecile, We used to be friends back then, I eavesdropped on my mum every night ever since I was six and ten years later we meet again. The reason why we left is because my mom thought, that I was old enough to practice queen related subjects and that’s why we’re here, I get homeschooled because I’m a…. Princess.” Luna said with a half ashamed look and half confused look “What’s up with the confused face?" “Deep thoughts, I’m confused why my mum hates you, You haven’t done anything bad right?” She looked very sad and upset for some purpose, I haven’t seen anything or anyone cry over a person they might not even remember. “You can go now, you don’t have to stay, you know.” I told her with my heels touching each other making a sort of V shape with my feet. “I’m here to rescue you and make you escape.” 

Suddenly the sky started to rumble and asteroids hit the palace. We managed to escape because the glass roof above us shattered, but we had a bigger difficulty some terrorists had jumped in and the started killing the townspeople living there. There was blood and organs everywhere. I grabbed a Katana which is this long sword which ninja’s use and I managed to cut up some terrorists but before I could save the town’s people Luna dragged my hand and took me to a safe place. We stayed there for a few day’s and then we returned to the smashed city. We searched everywhere for Luna’s parents and then after an hour of searching we found them locked in a vault with all their valuable things.

They were tied up with ropes around their dirty bodies and dead people beside them. All their money had been stripped away except of the treasures Luna owned like Luna’s money, Luna’s items and Luna’s books. “ Let us out.” They yelled. “Not until you tell me why you hate me and tell me all about my past.” I replied. “Okay! Okay! I hate you because I was always jealous of your mother and she was always the best and I wanted to be the best so that’s why I killed her!” The queen said in a matter of seconds. All the words she said made me sob. I untied them and fell on my knee’s. While I wasn’t looking, The king grabbed one of Luna’s swords and stabbed me in the back and put it back in its place. Luna yelled and tried to bandage my bleeding back “Luna im sorry, But you are the most helpful person I’ve ever known.” I said until my dead body lost balance and collapsed on the floor.

The author's comments:

a fantasy sci-fi book on friendship.

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