Woke Up With The Living Dead | Teen Ink

Woke Up With The Living Dead

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Woke up with the living dead

Juan was working at a construction site, a small one. After he was done using the crane he noticed that it was lunch hour. Juan left to eat his lunch and was going back to operate the crane. As he was walking back to the crane one of the workers on the third floor was transporting a pallet of bricks. As Juan was walking back to the crane a couple of the bricks came falling down towards him. By the time Juan knew the bricks were falling down on him his head was struck.

One month later . . . .  Juan wakes up in a hospital bed not knowing what happened. He looks around and sees a dead bouquet of flowers. He tries to get up but is connected to all of this hospital equipment. He himself proceeds to take it all off and looks around to find a phone. Juan then tries to communicate with most of his family but notices that there is no signal, and became to get very exacerbated.

Juan then proceeds to walk out of his room, and try to see if could ask anyone for help. As Juan walked out of his room everything looked so abandoned. He found it strange that the hospital looked like that. Juan started walking through the hallways of the hospital, and hears something moving in a room the seemed to have chains on it. As he got closer to the door he heard loud moans and grunts. He got so close to the door that he saw hands reaching out for him. As soon as Juan saw that he ran as when he was in the track team back in highschool. Juan was then surprised by tanks and what seemed like army's worth of equipment. Juan knew his hometown was near the area so he headed that way. As Juan got closer to his town everything looked so abandoned.

As Juan was headed to his house he saw what looked like a man dragging his foot on the ground. He thought to go up to the man and ask what was going on but wanted to go to his house first. Juan finally arrives to his neighborhood and sees his house and it seems to be fine. He runs towards his house and as he walks in he sees that it looks half empty and his family is nowhere to be found. Juan gets done searching the house, and thinks to himself that he's going to have to become autonomous. Juan walks outside of his house and begins to search and abandoned vehicle he found. As Juan was searching the vehicle, he didn't realize that one of them weird looking people was walking up to him. As the weird thing got closer to Juan, some other random guy came to kill that thing. Juan was in complete disbelief and asked the guy why would he do that. The guy told him not to ask any questions and to follow him. Juan followed him to where they went to the random guys house, Juan saw he had a son.

Juan was confused and started asking the guy questions. The guy told him his name was John and his son's name was Max. Max tells his dad that he had seen a group of people outside of the house but John doesn't think much of it. Juan tells John that they were neighbors, and that his child and wife had left the house. He asked him if he had seen where they headed, but as he asked him a group of what looked like gang members pulled up on them. Some of the gang members ascended to the top of the house, one of them was talking to john. The gang member knocks on the door and tells him his name is Todd. He started to make small talk with John asking how long he had been staying there. Todd also told him it wasn't banal for a group of people to be living in a house like that in these times. As Todd was talking to John, Max heard some noises coming from upstairs. Max headed upstairs to where the noises were coming from. As Max was walking through the hallways of the second floor he got closer to the room where the noises were coming from. Max opens the door and stands motionless as one of the intruders was holding his weapon up to Max. Juan, Todd and John all hear a loud bang coming from upstairs. Todd goes crazy trying to fight Juan and John, but they both take down Todd. They both go running upstairs looking for Max. They go upstairs to find that the intruder had ran away and Max was severely hurt, so hurt that he was bleeding out. 

John goes up to Max and asks him if he did anything else to him. John knew that they weren't going to be able to save him due to the lack of medical equipment. Juan and John both had a conversation downstairs about what they should do. As they were talking downstairs they heard noise coming from the same room Max was in. They sprinted upstairs just to find out that Max had turned into one of those things. John cried, he went to the next room and started destroying things. After John had cooled down he talked to Juan, and told him they should leave the house. Juan and John both started packing and they headed out to explore and find more explorers.

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