If a Page Fell Out of Anthem | Teen Ink

If a Page Fell Out of Anthem

September 20, 2022
By grace-griffin BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
grace-griffin BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
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I felt pride with my new name: Prometheus. So much so that I wanted my brothers to experience it as well. This thought seemed to hold great intentions. And truly, it originated in a good place. The execution of this idea, however, failed tremendously. It was my greatest fear.

“We had been caught” (Rand VI, 63).

Before I was able to enlighten my brothers with the ideologies of individualism, my efforts were eradicated by the Council of Vocations and I was tortured for yet another time. This time, however, I was not alone, for Gaea and my brothers stood alongside me. 

“I shall prove myself innocent to the Council in court today,” I explained to Gaea, “for I have not done any wrong. I have only discovered the true meaning of freedom and fulfilling one’s potential. They are enraged that I was able to live up to my intelligence in a collective society when they told me I was incapable. It is a true display of jealousy.”

“I believe that you are worthy of a fair trial. Show the Council all the discoveries you have made about the inequity that exists here. It is the only way to grant freedom to all of our brothers and sisters,” Gaea replied with courage shining through her eyes. 

I could finally believe in myself too. 

I had never faced such a large obstacle as the trial that stood before me, for it determined the fate of not only myself, but of all mankind.

Would they ever have the chance to fulfill their individuality?

I was consumed by my own irrational fantasies as I entered the courtroom with Gaea by my side. I sat down before the Council and felt their arrogant stares critiquing my every move. Although I was used to their judgment, nothing could ever quite prepare me for this moment. 

“Equality 7-2521,” the head Council member began, “we are all gathered here today to demand an explanation for the sins you have committed.”

“Yes,” another member added, “although we have already discussed the proper punishment, it is with respect and fairness that we acknowledge your perspective, so please, enlighten us; what caused you to feel so enabled to partake in such barbaric practices?” 

“It is with great disdain that we reject everything this society stands for. All men feel it and none dare to speak (Rand II, 46). Today, we celebrate the fact that each individual deserves the opportunity to fulfill their potential, for we have been brainwashed with ideas of collectivism; deprived of individuality.” 

The joy that was freedom had escaped me all at once. The Council seemed angered by my personal discoveries, which they immediately expressed to all that were present. 

“How can you speak for all men?  How can you defend the explicit actions you have committed with such righteousness?” the Head Council member announced at once. 

“How can you be so arrogant as to express your misconduct in such a carefree manner? After all that this nation has done for you, you should be ashamed,” another added. 

“We defend these actions because we have broken through the barriers of this restraining society that you call fair. It is unjust and unethical to treat people this way. We will not tolerate it any longer,” I said with authority. I refrained from saying “I”. I had to get my point across first. I knew better than to worsen my offenses before receiving respect. 

It seemed as though I had shocked the Council. They did not know what to do because they had never been in a situation quite like this one. No one had ever dared to forbid the strict laws that they enforced. 

I took the silence as a chance to further express my new findings. 

“All our life, we have been trapped in a society based on collectivism, unable to achieve our individual potential. But today, the truth is unveiled. For I have discovered the importance of  individuality,” I paused, sparking a reaction out of the Council, but continued before they could speak.

“Escaping this society enabled me to discover new things. Including the meaning of the word ‘I’. Such a small word has impacted me in many ways. Ways that I believe everyone here deserves to experience for themselves. What I have learned from my time away is the value of self-love and fulfilling personal potential. Society should not be able to dictate what someone can and can not do. It is up to the individual to make those choices on their own. My wish is to live in a society based on these morals. A place where it is possible for people to succeed. The collectivism that is practiced in this society limits us to minor achievements. In a society based on individualism, everyone will be given equal opportunities to achieve greatness,” I explained with pride.

At this point, there was much discussion amongst the Council members. Any feelings of fear or uncertainty within me were undetectable. I turned around to see Gaea looking right back at me with a smile. It was her faith that had given me the courage to speak out against the inequity that existed in this collective society. 

“Although we strongly disagree with every point you have made, we have no choice but to remove you from this society. What you choose to do outside of these so-called ‘barriers’ is up to you, we, however, will not partake in such frivolous acts and do not grant you permission to pass your irrational ideologies onto any other citizens.”

Without hesitation, I ran over to Gaea in celebration of the new freedom that stood before us. In that moment, “I wept in deliverance and in pity for all mankind” (Rand II, 46). I felt sorrow for those who could not come with me, but left in hopes that one day everyone would be able to join Gaea and I in our journey of self-discovery. 

The author's comments:

This creative writing piece is based on the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand. The book falls into the science fiction category, as it is set in an alternate world where individualism is prohibited. At this point, the main character, Equality 7-2521, is trying to overcome the restrictions of his government and start a new life of spiritual freedom. This scene takes place in the courtroom, where he is facing the government's consequences for discovering individualism. 

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