A Wonderful Escape From The Maze Before our Wedding | Teen Ink

A Wonderful Escape From The Maze Before our Wedding

September 20, 2022
By CarlitosUwU BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
CarlitosUwU BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Legends, Urban legends like persons being abducted by aliens or presidents that are reptiles, or persons that had a little disappeared from the world and returned.

Kosuke Mukai(Age 22), Kosuke is a computer engineer that Works in PMHS(Pasadena Memorial Highschool) he got his degree from Texas A&M University and he plans to get married to his 

high school love/Best friend Megumi Ibarada both ended high school, they go to the same university, and when Kosuke and Megumi's graduation came Kosuke ask if she want to be his wife, and Megumi said yes.

Sunday, September 10, 2028

The group of friends from high school prepared a special party for the couple, Koske and Megumi went to the party because they had a lot of years without watching their friends, the group was composed of naoya,subaru,chizuru, and saki. They prepare a lot of kinda fun activities but at some point the cheating became a problem uncomfortable about of a problem in the past that ended with the group.

The party was very good they had a lot of things Videogames, Dance UNO, etc…..

It was 10 am already they were going to leave the party but a weird light was on the outside they were asking Is someone there? “Is this a joke is not fun” they said and Subaru opened the door,

The light entered through the door and everyone fall asleep.


They woke up in a strange place with grass everyone just woke up like a bad day after work,

They were asking how they end there the last thing that everyone remembered was the party they were asking that question, and then a cat said to them you are in the middle of every reality that exists they ask how we exit of here the cat said jus find you reality door in one place of this giant maze with puzzles the correct number of your reality is on the tag that you have on the hand bracelet, they were shocked up.

They started the journey to find that door the first puzzle that they need to pass was Simon says

They passed that puzzle easy they continued solving many different puzzles just to open more ways in the maze but then they saw a giant door next to a ravine it was the door that they were finding they were desperate to exit but they didn't read the sign that says one person alone can't cross this everyone needs to work together to find the way out.


The boys Subaru and Kosuke suggested boys in one way and girls in another cause Subaru fought with saki like an hour ago they were passing the puzzle but a the end they need to help each other to turn 6 keys at the same time but the last key was very very tall no one without help could reach that key, they were fighting Megumi fall into the ravine but she was cached by a root of a tree they discussed every problem that they had they solved every problem and they finally open the door when they entered they woke up on the house of the party as nothing happened never.

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