Planet Takeover | Teen Ink

Planet Takeover

September 21, 2022
By Anonymous

Planet Takeover – By Lailanique Clark

In Chicago on March 1st, 1998, there was some type of earthquake, and everybody evacuated except for one family. This family had three kids named Meal, one in Maya, as well as two parents named Lizzie and John. OK, that is what? That's why everything go outside and OK, got it. OK, so here's what they didn't know. There was a family of aliens crashing a planet. They were very much intrigued with this family. Well, you might ask why, I say, intrigued. I say intrigued because the aliens felt though as if humans took life for granted and that they could not coexist with people that are different from them.

The family of aliens met the other family because. Their family decided to not evacuate after the earthquake. The aliens were also a family of five. With three kids named Rio, Tia and Tiara as well as two parents named Mina and Josh. The plan that the aliens had was to take over the first family's life while in their human form, but some things started to change.

Things were finally back to normal oh except for one thing the aliens were here to stay! A week went by, and they decided they wanted to stay on planet Earth. The alien family even started sending their kids to school and the crazy part about it?! Is that they were in a whole different form, their human form! Lizzy’s husband john told her to steer clear the alien family, but she was all about giving others a chance.

Mina headed to the Grocery store where she saw Lizzy. Lizzy approached Mina and said “Hey your the new family right?’’ Mina sarcastically said “Well yeah that’s pretty obvious.‘’ Lizzy proceeded to invite the alien family for dinner after her husband told her to avoid them. Later, Lizzy arrived home from the grocery store and told her family the alien family would be coming to dinner, and they should treat them nice and like they were any ordinary family, but John did not like that ‘’No no I will not have my family around any strange activity’’ said the husband. Lizzy continued to finish making dinner and was excited about the dinner guest she was having over.

There was a knock on the door and there was Lizzy’s dinner guest 20 min went by and they where all getting along pretty well they all had so much in common.  The two families really started to get along really well but it was the other families that had to be convinced that the aliens where just like any other family and that they should get to know them and we should learn to accept new things and be very positive about them.

The alien family love the fact that the other family stuck up from them and learned to accept new people no matter what there skin looks like .

This brought the families closer together because they were different on the outside but good people on the inside.

Being different means you stand out, which is a good thing in a world where everyone is trying to blend in. It means you're interesting, because you're different. It means you are less restricted by what's comfortable, able to explore new ground, not afraid of things because you don't know about them.

This story teaches you to always appreciate where u come from and never treat anyone different because of how they look and don’t judge things on how they appear .

The author's comments:

I'm Lailanique i'm a 11th grader and I think my story is different 

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