The Story Man | Teen Ink

The Story Man

December 28, 2022
By Anonymous

  The Old Man

                                                              Part 1

It is mid-December 1952. With four feet of snow covering the ground, it is not a good day to go outside. It is one of the coldest days of the year. Even with the bad weather, I need to get to work. I work at Skylar Memorial hospital as a doctor. 

On my way to work, I came across another person walking. The closer I get I can see that he is a frail older man dressed in a long trench coat and a tall top hat. This man seems to be struggling with all the snow. He is gandering at something in the distance. 

I follow the man to make sure he reaches his destination safely.  The snow starts blowing more and more as time goes by. The snow is blowing like a tornado. 

 In five minutes, I check my watch. My shift starts at 7:00 a.m. I am still about 4 minutes away. I must get to work, but this man's life is more important. When I finally am behind the man. The man grabs a wand out of his coat pocket and waves it. As he does, a bright yellow door appears. He opens the door and steps right in. I follow this man into the magical door and see.

Part 2

The first thing I see as I step through the door is the bright sun shining. It takes my eyes a long time to adjust to the brightness. I look at my surroundings and see a colossal stone castle with red and orange flowers growing up the walls. 

The man is still in front of me,” Come on!” he shouts. His voice is deep but gentle. Now that I can see him better: he is tall and slender with gray hair. He is walking towards the castle, so I follow him.

 As we reach the stone-built castle, I begin to notice ferries.  I ask the man, “What is this place?” He pauses for a moment, “It’s your new home,” he says and opens the castle door. 

“What do you mean, this is my new home?” I ask him. “You died, Evie. I am your guardian angel.” At this moment, I am speechless.  He looks me in the eyes for the first time. “Don’t you remember me?” he says. 

At this moment, I know who he is. He is my brother Oliver who passed away when we were young: now he is old. At this moment, all I feel is peace and great happiness.

The author's comments:

This piece is close to me. My brother passed away when I was younger. This story is a coping mechanism to know that he is in a good place and that I will see him again. 

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