The Kraken | Teen Ink

The Kraken

January 10, 2023
By yourlocalwriter BRONZE, Delacno, New Jersey
yourlocalwriter BRONZE, Delacno, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Kraken

By: Ayden Spain

Back in ancient Greece a crew of five men sent out to find the ancient kraken that people have claimed to have spotted. 


“Alright boys get up, we are heading out!” Marco said. The rest of the crew came rushing down except for Evan. 

“Come on Evan, you agreed to do this with us!” Daniel yelled, 

“Give me a second!” Evan yelled back. Evan wasnt that brave; he usually freaks out anytime he hears a creek or squeak at night. 

“Alright let's call the roll,” Phill said. He is the captain, the most hard headed of us all. 

“This ain’t a school Phill,” Daniel replied. Daniel was the strongest out of all of us but not too bright at anything except for reading maps.

 “Well Daniel, maybe you should attend,” I responded jokingly. 

“Oh shut up Bob you didn't even know what a school was until last year,” Evan yelled back.

 It's true I didn’t know what a school was for a long time but my parents taught me everything I know. While I wasn't the sharpest tool I had my strengths in other places. I was decently tall and pretty bulky.  

“Quit your arguing, and let's get going!” Phill demanded.

 We all headed out to our huge ship. 

“Raise the sails!” Marco shouted.

 Evan and I raised the ship’s sails, and headed off into the ocean “Woohoo!” I yelled with joy. The ship was going extremely fast across the huge sea.

 “Pretty windy today,” Evan exclaimed.

 “Yeah we might get redirected from orange town,” Marco replied.  Marco was the kindest of us all, always trying to help someone. As we drifted through the seas we saw the gloomy dark storm passing over. 

“Phill! A giant storm Is headed for us!” I yelled at him.

 The wind was extremely heavy so he couldn't hear me. All of a sudden I heard something huge emerge from the water. 

“AHHH-” I heard Phill scream for a second and then it was cut out. I turned around and then…I saw it. Phill was in the air with a tentacle in his stomach… 

“Phill!” I shouted. He was stabbed with a tentacle.

 There was an eye on it staring down at me and the rest of the crew with a blood red color. I heard Evan crying and throwing up everyone else was frozen in shock. I turned to my side and saw its head. Its eyes were glowing red, and at the top of his head was a long glowing red stripe across his head. Its tentacles appeared to be 9 meters long but its two front tentacles were around 18 meters long and its actual height had to be around 46 meters. “Evan, help me!” Marco shouted.

I turned around and Marco was being pulled away by its tentacle.

 “No Marco!” Evan and I shouted. 

I ran towards him but it was too late he was pulled away from the ship 

“I don’t want to die!” Marco shouted.

His arm was extended towards me, the kraken slowly opened its beak. “No marco!” Evan and I shouted. I saw Daniel loading the cannon balls into the canons. Then the kraken dropped Marco into his beak. We all froze in horror. Before we knew it the kraken wrapped its tentacles around the ship and started pulling it down into the water.

“Jump into the water quickly!” Evan yelled. I ran as fast as I could and leaped into the water. I saw a huge island very close to us.

“Guys hurry to that island!” I shouted. We swam for two minutes over the island and when we made it we were out of breath.

“He’s dead,'' Daniel said quietly. “They both are–Phil and Marco,” Evan replied.  

“Well what do we do now we have no resources or anything to defend ourselves?” I asked

“Bob, can you just for once stop thinking about what to do next? We just watched our friends die in front of us, can't you show the least bit of concern!” Daniel exclamined.

  “I do care, can you just for once think about what to do next? We need to think about what's next right now we are stranded on a random island. There is no telling how long we will be here!” I shouted back.

“Well you should get your head out of your a-” 

“Enough!” Evan shouted, cutting off Daniel. “Now is not the time to be arguing. We just watched our friends die and now we are stranded on an island for god knows how long.” The island wasn't too big or too small, not many wild life or plantations in sight. It had very little grass towards the middle of the island, we could only last here for about three days.

 Daniel and I stared at Evan quietly.  “Now can we stop arguing and empty your pockets to see what we have.” I emptied my pockets. All I had was a knife, water and a bag of peanuts. “Now you Daniel,” Evan said. Daniel sighed and emptied his pockets. He had a knife, A fork and a spoon, and a picture of his dad. 

“We won't be able to live here for more than two days,” I said. Daniel had an angry expression on his face. We heard a roar that sounded like a low pitch whale cry. I saw Daniel slowly pick up the knife off the sandy surface. Woosh! Water flew right past our faces. We turned and were frozen.

“It’s back..” I whispered. The kraken stared down at us with a menacing cold dead stare. I saw Daniel holding his blade. Evan glarred at the kraken. It grabbed Daniel's leg with extreme speed and started dragging him towards its head.

“No!” Daniel yelled. 

“Daniel!” Evan and I shouted. Daniel flipped his blade and stabbed the eye on the kraken's tentacle. It let out a loud roar before grabbing again. Daniel started repeatedly stabbing it but nothing happened.

Evan started charging towards the kraken. It lifted Daniel in the air and then slammed him on the sand repeatedly. “No!” Evan and I yelled. I ran after Evan, ready to kill the kraken. It threw Daniel's lifeless body at evan. Evan moved out of the way he was determined to kill it. Evan threw his knife and it stabbed the kraken in the eye. It let out a powerful scream. Evan sprinted as fast as a bullet towards the kraken. I ran with him. “We’re gonna send that demon back to the depth of the ocean!”

 I yelled to Evan. The krakens head fell down onto the shore. “Now is our chance!” Evan yelled. He got to the krakens head and quickly pulled the knife out of its eye. “Go to hell!”

Evan screamed, and then stabbed the kraken in the head. It let out another powerful scream before closing its eyes and dying. I stood there in shock. Evan the frailest of us all killed a giant and insanely powerful monster. He sat next to the krakens dead body, and cried. I bolted over to Evan to make sure he was ok.

 While I was running I started to reminisce on all the good times we had with each other from when we first met to our first exploration on the open sea. We lost it all. I finally got to him and hugged him for what felt like an eternity.

 “Come on Evan I know we just got done with the fight of our lives but we need to start making shelter or we won't be able to survive long here at all,” I said, giving a warm smile. He nodded his head, and we began to build a small tent for shelter. Two days passed. 

I was using a makeshift spear to catch fish when I looked up and saw a ship sailing towards us. My eyes lit up like a raging wildfire. 

“Evan hurry, a ship is here we're saved!” I shouted to him. He dashed over to me, and we began to yell for help. We had never yelled so loud for so long that I could feel my vocal cords burning but thankfully the ship turned, and headed for us. 

We ran into the water, and swam to the ship for about two minutes. We got to the ship, and a crew member saw us then threw a ladder at us. We climbed up the ladder swiftly. While climbing the ladder I noticed mysterious jargon written on the side of the boat I have never glanced upon before. I got to the top of the ship, and it was amazing.

The floorboards were cleaned perfectly. The sails had a drawing of a pirate hat on it. They were about five meters tall. The boat was average about thirty meters long and 8 meters wide. And the deck was around nine feet tall. 

The captain walked up to us. “Who are you, and where are you from?”

 “I'm Evan and he’s Bob,” Evan told him. 

“Well where are you from?” the captain yelled back.

 “We’re from Athens,” I said. 

“You're in luck, we were heading over there to deliver this cargo and we’ll let you come with us but as soon as we get there you gotta get off.” the captain said. 

“Ok,” Evan and I said quietly.

****** 40 years have passed since then. I've grown old and tired. Nothing entertains me anymore. I've lost all interest in life after Evan died from cancer. After Phill, Marco and Daniel died Evan fell into a hole of alcohol and depression

 After his death I started to write stories but I never finished one. I've spent sleepless nights thinking of that devil octopus. I have a wish for others. I wish for no one else to set sea again; only god knows when that devil will appear again. “I should head to bed now,” I said to myself.

 I walked over to my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and I saw a light as I walked towards it. “Come on Bob!” I heard Phill yell at me.

 I froze. Was it coming from the light or am I hearing things? Am I truly asleep or is it an illusion? I ran towards the end of the light. I found myself in a group hug with all of them Phill, Marco, Daniel and Evan.

 “I'm sorry Bob. I'm sorry for always yelling at you.” Daniel said. 

“It's ok we can be together again….forever,” I said. All I can think of now is that it was the best dream ever and I'm glad I won’t wake up again.               END                                 

The author's comments:

Hello Everyone! I'm a thirteen year old boy who made this story for an ELA assignment. While writing this story, I was losing motivation to write it and wasn't looking forward to this story at all. One day my ELA teacher called me back to read over my story to give me tips, and I was not expecting the overwhelming amount of praise and support she gave to me. I was honestly shocked from how much she supported me and got me back into writing after four years. If she wasn't here and didn't give me this much praise, I wouldn't even be publishing this story right now. I hope you all enjoy my story; it was one of my best! 

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