Uncontrollable power | Teen Ink

Uncontrollable power

February 9, 2023
By Bethanblack PLATINUM, Kington, Please Select
Bethanblack PLATINUM, Kington, Please Select
41 articles 32 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Boys are meant to ruin your lipstick, not your mascara" --Marilyn Monroe

I'm trying to ignore it but I know it's there. Lurking, hiding within the shadows: a realm so dark no one may ever enter after the tragedy of 1969.


She looked around. She ran for it screaming her battle cry. Unknowingly charging to her death.That battle was her doomdom.That was the battle never to be repeated and yet we always find history repeating itself .Maybe it's because the young woman's spirit may host a body and lead them to either victory or death.


Now I see it ,why did Eliana do this to me .The room I am trapped within is small yet towering with sky blue walls;flickering lights so dim, I must strain my eyes to see.Windowless the room does seem as I glare around the room but then I see a crack of light and it's a crack on the wall.Minute as it is ,it gives me a flicker of hope of escape.


The battle raged on and the warrior queen threw herself head first into the maniac pits of havoc .Many small white tents were set up in the background and behind were the black towering ones.Black signified the death of many warriors whilst the white was pure and full of hope for those who were injured.Remaining sanguine for the life of her subjects,the warrior queen believed she was winning the battle,that victory was near. 


I want the visions to stop but she won't relent.She persists as I try to stop my stub of candle from flickering out .Light fills my eyes,blinding me.Desperately I Scrabble to the darkest corner and close my eyes but it continues.And I'm back in there side by side with her 


"Harry!Wait up !"Harry, short for Harriet, continues striding towards the field."HARRY!HARRIET!"I yell,close to tears.At this she swirls around ,glaring at me,"Just because you won't!THERE ARE INNOCENT PEOPLE OUT THERE ,RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR US!THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS TRY TO HELP!" 


I remember that day so well.I remember Harry loads too.Black hair cut short ,shorter than a Bob ,Big brown eyes that had long , natural eyelashes and brown tanned skin ,yet half natural.Around then she was livid at me ,both our lovers were out at war though mine was tough and hers a soft boy

I cared deeply about Derek but I knew he could handle ANYTHING!Henry on the other hand didn't stand a chance.she's talking to me, Eliana is .She wants me to continue but I want to refuse.Soon I shall capitulate and she shall be triumphant.Due to the visions ,I too know how Eliana looked:she was everything I have ever wanted to be .Luscious beach waves of hair rolled past her shoulder,the deep colour of navy blue with pale skin and a willowy posture .Dark grey eyes so grey they were quite black . Unbelievably alluring in a dark kind of way whilst I had limp brown hair and light brown eyes and had hardly a posture to speak of.Well I did far better than many of the lassies in the village ,really was considered a beauty nowadays .But back then ,all those years ago,I'd be considered hideous.

"Been called podgy ,and Thou are !"Eliana hissed in my ear.


The warrior queen now faced her first true challenge within the battle,the warrior KING!

"Trust me ,honey,this is for our future,join us please!"He begged of her as though she was the traitor to the crown .A steely glint in her eye she spoke out in cold and defiant voice,"no ,never shall I betray my kingdom the way you have betrayed me-"


Back in the room ,I wondered what this was about.I needed to escape but Eliana would never allow it.EVER!Just remember ,Lia.Remember as though there's no tomorrow.


My mother wasn't happy about my decision,to learn to control my insight. Undoubtedly she wished to learn more of the past. But the pain was too much to continue because every time I saw into the future, an ache created within my body . And even worse, I lost a part of me.Around that time ,I thought I'd found a way to get rid of her but Eliana never goes away ,not truly and when she does she'll be back.


"I hope someday I'll make it out of here but for now I have to stay,"I murmured to myself.

"What do you mean ,don't you realise your stuck within these walls forever more!"she screeched upon hearing my one small hope that I don't worry about her knowing.

"I don't care how long it takes!I'll make it out eventually whether you like it or not!"I raised my voice to a whisper.

"Then you'll need a place to hide from me!and you'll never find one and you know you can't right your fear!"she snarled ,voice full of resentment.

"I wanna feel alive!Cause for now I'm all alone.With nobody to call my own, he's out there fighting!"I was now speaking at normal volume.

"And soon he shall die and you know it,not only can you see the past but the future !"

"I SEE WHAT YOU SHOW ME ,THAT DOESNT MEAN ITS RELIABLE!"I yell and for a second the guns stop firing and a cluster of soldiers charge towards the hut I'm locked within.But the minute their hands touch the doorknob they all drop dead.Derek stood their ,eyes wide with horror and concern , mouthing my name .


"Lia ,this is a man's world but we can change that!"Harry was saying but I disagreed.

"There's none of that nowadays ,not really.."

Her Face contorted in fury,"they think we're PLASTIC!Can't you see the way they look at us with that hungry look in their eye !"

"It's cause they think we're clumsy ,nearly falling over in some high heel shoes!As though we wanna catch their attention,"I answered,despite knowing it would get her fired up.

"MY POINT EXACTLY!"Before she could continue ,I decided to add a little bit more to our conversation.

"But the money falls at our feet as they try to get a view.But the jokes on them ,cause we ain't ever showing!" I smirked and she laughed ,ignoring the crowd , eavesdropping on us .

"They think we'll do a dance for cash,"

But deep down I knew I fooled this town.I smiled till dusk to dawn and never stopped.And I only ever said. what they wanted to hear .Derek was the only one to see me for who I really was.


Remembering this I felt close to breaking point.Secretly I wanted to pull my armour on just to show them how strong I am.Harry and Derek are out there ,fighting and why aren't I?Because Eliana may lead me to death.But they all may die so why must I hide and not they.Dont leave ,don't leave .Your trapped anyway ,I doubt I can just magically make the door open..


"Mother ,please allow me to control my powers.If I don't,the townsfolk shall consider me a threat to society and surely burn me to my very death!"I pleaded but to no avail as my mother,despite her friendly and loving appearance, did not care one jot about me.Being one of the most beautiful people in town ,she had black,silky hair that shone the moon above and emerald eyes ,like pools of gems.To her,I was a disappointment.Never would I ever satisfy her though being far prettier than many of the other woman.More than that was I cared for others but that seemed to be my fatal flaw.Despite my pleading,mother adamant about me never learning how to control my powers.However I could never pass up the opportunity to learn more about these oddities that I seemed to possess.And so ,in secret I learnt to control my powers .Until Eliana appeared to me that is."your powers are maturing,despite your mother's attempts to sabotage you!"she told me upon arrival,which made me wonder ,why did mother not want me to possess my powers at my strongest and if she did in fact sabotage me ,why?

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lottie_d said...
on Feb. 14 2023 at 6:36 am
lottie_d, Hereford, Other
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love it