heaven | Teen Ink


March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

I was amazed by what I was seeing who knew that heaven was real. I had always thought it wasn't exciting but here it was, there were stairs to the sky in front of me. Dying is bad but if it means that you can see this sight then I don’t think it’s that bad the only bad thing is leaving everything behind your family, friends, coworkers everything but to me it was worth it. As I took my first step onto the stairs I looked back and remembered everything from my life from when I first rode a bike to hanging out with friends even to what lead me here, A painful deaf of a car crash and on my birthday. At the top of the stairs there was a door shinny its doors wide open like it was ready to take me into the kingdom of heaven. Once I had reached the top of the stairs there was a man with a pencil and a notebook ’’Hello I’m the keeper of heaven’’ the man said. I realized that he was that one guy who either sent you to hell or to heaven. ‘’Now, let's take a look at your life on earth’’ he said ‘Umm okay’’ I said nervously, I know I wasn’t the most perfect person on earth but I did do some good and I hoped that would help me to push by. ‘’Looks Like you're all good, you may open the gates to heaven’’ He said. With exhilaration I boosted through the gates only to stand frozen in amazement at the sight of heaven. It shined like the sun and there were great buildings that were tall and big, each house was labeled there was a house of angels and churches everywhere, I couldn't even move. It was so beautiful. It smelled like lavender and I fell to my knees touching the clouds that were below my feet. As I touched the soft clouds there was a voice in front of me. ‘’Hellos there’’, I looked up and saw a bright light with what seemed to be a person with wings. ‘’Umm hello’’ I said back’’ Who are you’’ I asked ‘’I am your tour angel and I will be showing you around’’ the angel said ‘’Okay’’ I said back nervously. The angel took my hand and jumped up into the sky with her great wings flying around me. She showed me everything from building’s to where you can get wings. She even showed me god’s house but she told me I was never allowed in there. Regardless, I was going to start a boot camp for angels. The first week was alright. I was still trying to figure out where I was but at the end of a year I got to go to a shop to get my first pair of wings. ‘’Honey It’s Time to get up’’ my mom said ‘’What’’ I said ‘’Come on it’s time to go to school’’ She said back ‘’Wait was that all a dream, I’m dead , I’m not in heaven WHAT’’. I screamed ‘Honey are you okay’’ My mom said in shock, ‘’Umm yes I think so’’ I replied. It turns out it was jut a dream but I didn’t know if it was a bad or good one.

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