A Journey Through Spacetime | Teen Ink

A Journey Through Spacetime

May 11, 2023
By Sejalgandhi2008 BRONZE, New York, New York
Sejalgandhi2008 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     In 2400, 38 years after my mother's death, I sat in my chair in my TESS lab, writing the Relativity equations to make a time travel machine.

     I used metal like tungsten and compounds like water to generate a wormhole. The wormhole opened to bring a gateway to the past, present, and future. I sprinted into every event from my childhood.

         "Mom, I will save you. Here I come!" I exclaimed.

           I got out of the wormhole in the year 2362. 

           "I did it!" I shouted, "Now, where is my mom?"

              I saw her writing the God equation, which would grant the solver access to any event in Spacetime.

              "It's completed! Now I can travel to higher dimensions. Science is back in business." My mom shouted,

               "Not quite." A shadowy figure stated in a deep voice,

                 "Who are you?" My mom asked,

                   "My name is Professor Doom. But that name won't matter for a long time. In 2362, you solved the God Equation, causing you to access higher dimensions. As a result, you stole my greatest goal, and now you will pay!" Professor Doom screamed.

                     He reached for his butcher knife and then attempted to terminate my mother.

                      "Noooo" I yelled.

                         I went for my cold gun and froze him.

                         My mother stood in shock, paralyzed.

                          "Who are you?" My mom asked

                            if I was too shy to respond, and I did with reluctance.

                            "I'm your son." I started with hesitation.

                              "EOBARD?" Mom gasped,

                               "You look like my father." She observed

                                  I smiled like a beam of light, then returned to my time.


                               Once I returned to my time, I noticed a change. There were ripples in the sky then I heard a vortex forming. But then, a black hole merged.

I knew that something had gone wrong with the time travel.

                               "What have I done?" I questioned myself, holding my hands close to my face in pain and crying.

                                 I knew I had to see my mom, and she must have a solution. I noticed that an entity came out of the black hole.

                                 "Hello, Eobard!" Mom stated.

                                   I ran to my mom with excitement and hugged her like a bear.

                                   "I've missed you so much!" I screamed,

                                    "I know, but we have more important matters to discuss," Mom stated

We returned to my lab to discuss the consequences of traveling back in time. Then my mom grabbed a chalkboard.

                                       "Think of this dot as the original timeline when I died from Professor Doom, then think of this as the alternate timeline you created when you reversed my death and stopped. Once you did that, cosmic radiation emitted that altered the present, which caused ripples to form." Mom explained,

                "But then that would mean I would have to reverse this by letting Professor Doom cause your death," I explained,

                                        "Correct, but you could create an alternate timeline similar to the original one." Mom explained,

                                         "No, I have everything I lost, and I won't change it!" I screamed

                                         I ran from my mom with tears. She may have been right, but I would rather live with the changes than lose her again. 


                                       Earthquakes started to form on the ground then the sky began to crack. I thought to myself. I can fix this. But then moms voice came into my head.

                                       "You know what you have to do, Eobard." 

                                        I refused to lose her. So I returned to TESS with a burning desire to stop the ripples. It is plausible that by creating a hydrogen emission machine, it would absorb cosmic radiation due to its high density.

                                      "Mom, I have a solution." I started with a passion

                                       "What is it?" Mom asked,

                                          "If we create a hydrogen emission machine, the ripples and cosmic radiation will stop," I ambitiously stated

                                            That won't work. The timeline you created called Evort Point causes ripples, but using hydrogen can only be a temporary solution. You need to restore the original timeline." Mom sincerely explained,

                                              "But I won't see you again." I cried,

                                                 "No matter what happens to me, I will always love you, and wherever I go, that love will increase with time. There comes a time when every boy must become a man, and the type of man is up to them. You can do this, Eobard. I believe in you." Mom stated with passion

                                                "What do we do then?" I asked,

                                               "First, we must create a bomb with positive mass. Then you must go to the point when you traveled through the wormhole and throw it, which will cancel the negative mass, causing it to disappear." Mom explained,

                                             "Unfortunately, I can't let that happen." Doctor Doom stated.

                                              I stood in shock, questioning how he escaped. This cannot be possible. I froze him.

                                               "How are you back?" Mom asked,

                                                 "Did you think I didn't plan any contingency plans in case my original one failed? You didn't freeze me; you merely killed my doppelganger from Earth-6. And now I can finally finish what I started." Doctor Doom stated as he pointed his time blaster,

                                                 "Not here, you won't," Mom stated,

                                                   "That is not your decision to make. You took my greatest desire away from me, and now feel the consequences of being a failure," Doctor Doom angrily stated.

                                                   "Here, son, take the God equation and go back in time with the positive mass bomb and finally end this," Mom exclaimed,

                                                   "But how will I return if you never finished it in the original timeline?" I asked,

                                                    "Because this time you will discover it. With the knowledge, you have now. The new timeline you create will have minor changes, as you know. Now go, Eobard!" Mom screamed. 

                                               I ran as quickly as possible to return to the moment I entered the wormhole so that I could fix my timeline, but then Professor Doom held my shoulder and pushed me back.

                                            "It's poetic, isn't it, seeing your mother die two times? I don't think I properly introduced myself." Doctor Doom stated as he took off his mask,

                                             "How is this possible?" I screamed with agony.

                                               "It's like looking into a mirror. Well, Almost." Doctor Doom stated with a cracked face,

                                              "Why do you look just like me?" I asked.

                                               "Because I am you. Specifically, 40 years from now. How did you think I knew you would save your mom by traveling into a wormhole or trying to use a cold gun to stop me because I already did these things." Doctor Doom laughed as he put his hand on his forehead.

                                            "But how did you become Professor Doom, and why would you kill our mom?" I asked with butterflies in my stomach.

                                            "I realized that I didn't need to save our mom but rather take the one thing from her that made me a god." Professor Doom explained,

                                           "The God Equation…" I whispered to myself

                                            "Correct. So why should I be the son of the one that solved it when I can solve it myself? So I used the same technology we used to make the wormhole, then traveled back, assassinated Mom, and finally, I would be powerful!" Doctor Doom screamed with ambition

                                         "Only a psychopath would indulge in such ideals." I started

                                          "What you call being a psychopath; I call dedication. So I have a proposition to give you." Doctor Doom negotiated,

                                         "What is it?" I asked,

                                          "I'll bring you to a universe where your mother is still alive, and I'll stop the ripples in this world. Then you can finally have your happily ever after with your mother. We both know that's what you want." Doctor Doom proposed,

                                       "How do I know you're not lying?" I asked,

                                        "Because I have nothing to lose and so much to gain." Doctor Doom stated,

                                         "There is only one flaw in your notion. If you become a God, you will travel to that universe and then kill her again because I know that what you is for me to become you." I explained

                                        "What would be wrong with having two gods? So are you in our out?" Doctor Doom asked

                                       I pushed Doctor Doom out of the way and then traveled to the wormhole to finally undo this monstrosity.

                                       "Who are you?" My past self asked,

                                        "I don't have time to explain, but I can't let you save our mom," I explained.

                                        I threw the positive mass bomb into the wormhole, which caused it to destabilize and disappear.

                                      "Why would you do that?" My past self screamed with pain 

                                        "I'm sorry, but you'll thank me later." I started 

                                          I returned to my time. The world had seemed similar to how it originally was, but it appears that my mom was no longer alive due to my time travel. So I went to her tombstone and finally destroyed the god equation so no one could timeline again. I learned one thing from my adventure one can only go so far to save the ones they love, but to move forward, we must be steady and make decisions that may seem difficult are right.

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