The Sentient Tree | Teen Ink

The Sentient Tree

June 13, 2023
By yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Everyday I see the same thing, thick gray smog from the invaders over the hills and the wires of invading beings. Only I can't see, but I feel like I can. I hear vehicles passing me with great speed and feel the creatures within me. But I shouldn’t be able to because I do not have the five senses of the ones invading my life. I have only have a conscious and it is never silent. I used to never worry or feel joy or endure pain or sparkle with glee. Now I’m different…. I’ve changed, I’m no longer just a tree, but I’m much more. I can feel the sentient beings that invade my space hack at me. The pain tears at my very being. But I’m still a green birch with small pink leaves. I’m still a tree. I’m still me.

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