The Supernaturals | Teen Ink

The Supernaturals

September 6, 2023
By angela0419 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
angela0419 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It was August 10, 2009, in a small town called Forks in Washington. It was a dark very stormy night. Master Manning chose six babies that were about to be born, given special abilities to defeat the villain in 2027. The Supernaturals were born. They were Bella, Edward, Maggie, Nova, Jacob, and Mike. All of them had different special abilities. Bella can control people, control the weather, and transform into anything. Edward can teleport, Maggie can make people hallucinate, Jacob can run fast, and Nova can control water. They were all unique, but Bella had the most extraordinary abilities. She was going to be the future leader of all six of them. Master Manning made sure to watch them from afar till it was time for him to show up.
   It was August 10, 2019, when they all turned ten and started developing their powers. It was an incredibly early age, and they did not understand what was happening to them. Even after not understanding what was happening to them, they all knew to keep it to themselves, including their parents. Master Manning made sure they would not say anything in case they were about to say something from afar. Keeping this secret would be hard because they would have to keep it to themselves and would have no one to talk to about it. Master Manning made sure to get them ready for when the time came. There were times when they struggled to keep this secret, but Bella’s powers were getting out of hand. Her powers were growing every day. It was hard to keep them under control. Along the way, she found Edward online. He would help her get through it even though he did not exactly know what was happening to her, but even still helped her talk through it. Little did she know she was helping Edward too. Edward was going through the same thing, but both did not know they were having the same problem. They never really met; they stayed online friends. Mike, Nova, Maggie, and Jacob were normal. They did normal things and pretended that they were normal ordinary people because they did not want to admit what was happening to them. All of them were ten, so they did not know what to do with what was happening to them. Bella and Edward were the only ones that took it seriously. They practiced keeping their powers under control. Eventually, they mastered their powers at the age of 15. Nova, Maggie, Mike, and Jacob were still ignoring it. They did not want anything to do with it. Eventually, they will have to learn about their powers and how to control them because their time to meet and fight will be here soon. Master Manning was close to making his arrival and introducing himself to The Supernaturals.
   Master Manning was the creator of The Supernaturals. He chose them at birth. He was there to guide them and help them through their battle. He must train them to beat Dr. Dickinson. Dr. Dickinson found out that they exist and wants to find them and make them disappear. He wants to take their powers away and control the world. Master Manning made sure The Supernaturals were to meet at once because Dr. Dickinson was getting closer to them. He made sure to get them together and transfer them to the same school. The Supernaturals were about to meet. They were transferred to the same high school. Forks High School. They were transferred because they were all having a tough time at their last high school. Coincidentally they were placed in the same high school. All their parents were worried about them because they did not understand what was happening to them. All of them were distant and quiet. They barely spoke with their parents. All of them were struggling inside, but they were getting to their first day of high school at their new high school. They were all starting in the middle of their junior year. It was the morning of their first day of school at their new high school, and all of them went to the office to get their schedule. They walked in and met for the first time. Bella introduced herself since it was very awkwardly silent in there, but when Edward heard her name, he looked at her because she sounded familiar. He asked himself if it could be her, but then he ignored it and then introduced himself. After he introduced himself, Maggie, Jacob, Mike, and Nova did as well. Bella also then looked at Edward when he said his name because he also did sound familiar, but she ignored it and went on the rest of the day. After they all got their schedule, they went to their classes. Bella, Edward, and Jacob got first period together and Maggie, Mike, and Nova got their first period together. Their day went on, but Bella and Edward kept staring at each other. Edward stepped up and talked to her. They talked and talked, and they got closer. They would talk every day and found that they had a lot in common. They all became friends and close. They had all their classes together. One of Bella’s and Edward’s teachers was extremely strict with very austere assignments, so they would always end up doing their assignments together and spending a lot of time together. They were all a close friend group.
    Finally, Master Manning made his appearance and introduced himself to The Supernaturals. They were all skeptical and thought he was a weird guy till he mentioned their powers. All of them were starting to take him seriously and agreed to his help. Master Manning started to train them physically and mentally. He taught them to control their emotions and how to fight individually with their powers. Bella and Edward were learning more about their powers, but for Jacob, Nova, Mike, and Maggie it was all new. Eventually, they learned. While they trained and lived their lives, Dr. Dickinson spied on them and plotted his plan to take their powers away and get rid of them. He made sure to keep his distance so they would not know he was there.
It was the year of 2027, the year of destruction. Master Manning told them about Dr. Dickinson and what he was plotting to do to them. They needed to be aware of their surroundings and more discreet. At school, they would all be cautious and aware of everyone, but they would also have fun. Bella and Edward would always hang out and both were developing feelings for each other. Bella was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Edward. She felt as if he was the only person who understood her, and he was the most caring and nicest guy to her. Edward would die for Bella. She was so important and the only person who understood him and was different from other girls. Bella was all about Edward and Edward was all about Bella. They both did not know that they felt the same about each other, but it was time for the day that they had to fight so they waited. It was April 19, 2027, and Dr. Dickinson was taking over. His defamation was harming others. Master Manning quickly gathered all of them together to plan how to take Dr. Dickinson down. Bella was in charge because she was the one with the strongest powers. She oversaw the whole group and kept their heads up because they all thought it was impossible to fight against Dr. Dickinson. Master Manning was also there to help them. Dr. Dickinson went on shooting them with lasers and kept targeting Bella. Bella was struggling, but she had to keep going. The rest were fighting his tiny robot army, so Bella was alone. None of them were aware that Bella was struggling but Master Manning was. Master Manning could not do anything because he was old and weak but continued to guide Bella. As Bella went to hide to regain strength, Dr. Dickinson blasted Bella. She was unconscious and unresponsive. Master Manning hurried and called the others to come immediately. The others had not arrived yet and Dr. Dickinson decided to shoot her again, but this time with a stronger boost that would for sure kill her. Master Manning did not know what to do because the others had not arrived yet and he needed them, but Dr. Dickinson proceeded to shoot. Master Manning took the hit for Bella. The others had finally arrived, but it was too late. Master Manning was dying and for his last words, he said to save Bella and finish Dr. Dickinson and finally took his last breath. They all cried but they had to take Bella to a safe place because she was still unresponsive and unconscious. Dr. Dickinson sent his army to find them and kill them. The Supernaturals hid in an underground bunker that Master Manning kept hidden in case of an emergency like this. Edward was so worried because Bella had not woken up yet and all were worried that they could not take down Dr. Dickinson without Bella and Master Manning. Bella finally woke up. Edward kissed her with happiness that she was okay. Maggie, Mike, Nova, and Jacob were all shocked, but Bella and Edward were happy they felt the same. After that, Edward and the others had to break the sad news, so they proceeded to tell her what happened, She felt upset, but she said we should not give up on Master Manning. He would want them to keep fighting and not give up. They agreed and made a new plan to take Dr. Dickinson down. Bella and Edward, Maggie and Mike, and Nova and Jacob were teamed together. They were all positioned to do different things. Nova and Jacob were the distraction, Maggie and Mike oversaw the trap, and finally, Bella and Edward were the ones who were going to fight him. They all had something that Dr. Dickinson had and that was hope and courage. Finally, Bella shot him down and Edward took down his army. Dr. Dickinson was left unarmed and powerless. He did not have an army to do his dirty work. Bella, Edward, Maggie, Mike, Nova, and Jacob banished him and sent him to another dimension where he would be alone and with no escape for the rest of his life.
   It was the next day after the fight, they were all upset about Master Manning’s death. They made sure to give him a proper burial and memorial. Thanks to him they all learned and trained before the disaster happened. The city was all thankful for The Supernatural, and who knew what would have happened without them? Bella and Edward finally told the rest how they grew close to each other and how they started feelings for each other. They were both happy that they were finally together. In the end, they all found their soulmates and grew close and comfortable.

The author's comments:

Its about 6 teens that were born with powers and were destined to defeat the world from the evil villain

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