The Red-Haired Witch | Teen Ink

The Red-Haired Witch

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Chapter one: Afra  

A red-haired girl is walking down the street, her blue eyes and slender figure hidden beneath dirty clothes and busted glasses. She continues walking until she comes to a rundown apartment building, where a brunette man in a white shirt stands with a bag and a blonde woman, waiting for her, he yells (Afra!) and the red-haired girl flinches and answers “Yes?” with a scared expression, enmity right behind. The bag in his hand looming over her, the man who we now know as Mark, said that he could no longer “help” her with housing, as he met someone else at the bar. Although devastated, Afra decided she would rather have a drink than beg a lazy, fat man to stay in a broken-down apartment building, so off she went. 


 Thinking, remembering her parents who had been murdered when she was 13 years, old leaving her with no family and on the streets. That was until Mark with his antiquated and cursory style scooped her up off the street as he was having trouble with the rent and thought Afra would give him at least a month’s leeway with the manager. Still, when he saw how talented she was at cleaning he sent her to work at a small gym near the apartment so she could work off half the rent for him. Afra says to herself, “If Mark had not come I would probably be dead by now”, but sometimes she wonders if that would have been better for her life because so far it was not the life she imagined for herself when she was five, wanting to be a witch, she sadly laughs to herself thinking how those were easier times; before the murder and before-, her last thought cut off by a man who sat next to her at the bar table asking her if she believes in gods, she sighed and took a minute to look at him before she answered by saying, “If there was a god of any kind I would have been a witch with a world of fairies, elves, dragons, princes, and magic”, internally laughing, derision in her tone but the man on the other hand asked what was funny with that and introduced himself as Dionysus the god of wine, women, and parties but you can call me Dion if you’d like, he says with a wide grin. Afra was stunned for a second before concluding that “Dionysus” was a crazy old man and tried to walk away, but before she could he grabbed Afra and said “We will meet again very soon” giggled a happy little laugh, and walked away. 


 Afra is officially creeped out, but for now, she has more significant issues than some old man. She had to find a place to stay, she walked out of the bar got into a taxi, and told the driver to take her to the park because she needed to sleep, and she doubted that she would find a place so late at night. She never did make it to that park, because at an intersection a block away from the park a big white truck rammed into the taxi throwing Afra from the car into the street laying there for minutes, but it felt like hours to her. someone came to check on her, but she knew it was already too late for her as she watched all her blood flowing out from her like a river as her body got cold. The truck driver drove away with a smile and said: “I told you we would meet again soon”. As Afra’s mouth finally took its last breath, she thought about her life so far and all she could think was “I wish I had lived the life in my five-year-old dreams just once.  


Chapter two: a dream of mine  

Afra comes too,  seeing nothing but stars all around her until all of a sudden a flash of light slaps her so hard she falls back a step when someone says “Nice to see you again” Afra goes wide-eyed when she sees the man from the bar she yells Dionysus, and as she is freaking out trying to understand what happened and how he was hear he can't help but laugh while he said “ you said in the if gods did exist that you would be a witch in a fairy tale fantasy world did you not” she can't help but feel dazed when he said that as the thought of the fairy tales, myths, and stories of magic from her childhood come to mind as she starts to faint Dionysus catches her and before she was entirely out he says “enjoy your new world and call my name in my temple if you need me”. 

 Afra wakes up, on a grassy land looking around, as she looks at a beautiful forest with trees taller than mountains, long bright green grass below it like waves in the ocean, with the wind blowing from above on a nice summer day. Afra was in awe and all she could say was “Is this a dream” to no one in particular, when suddenly a green menu popped up in front of Afra she gasped and said “magic” after a second repeating “MAGIC” a lot louder this time, immediately Afra tried putting her hands forward as she imagined herself lifting into the air when that did nothing she yelled “fireball!” but to her dismay, the only things that came were disappointing, with that unfortunate trial out of the way she went back to looking at the green menu which said “Welcome to your new world” she pressed continue and the screen brought up Afra’s MP, XP, SPEED, AGILITY, and STRENGTH  which once again brought her spirits high as she looked at the vast forest she knew that this was going to be a great new beginning. 

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